Quantum Effects - Photosynthesis

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One link was bad enough.
There was this one guy who went by the name of Sam Beckett. He made a particle accelerator based on quantum physics. One day he stepped into it against the wishes of his colleagues and disappeared. No one knew what happened to him for a little over twenty years. One day he suddenly appeared in New Orleans where he got a job as a member of the navy's criminal investigative service.
And there was Dr. Manhattan out in New Mexico, but that was fiction.

Interesting and might allow for the sci-fi world of artificially constructed organically based computers to become a reality, the state of an organic bit being set by its quantum state. Maybe it's a basic block for how the brain works, an unnecessary but useful organ for animal life. After all, consider the longevity of organisms like jellyfish that lack a central nervous system in the history of this planet.
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Quantum Effects indicate that Consciousness affects reality.

Double slit experiment...electrons where we look at where they hit the target have an interference pattern, while if we look at the slit, they turn back into marbles.

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