Predictive maintenance on your vehicles...

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May 27, 2002
Ocala, Florida
I had someone ask where can I find information on basic maintanence prcedures for vehicles. In new vehicles there is usually a book that establishes the required maintanence for your vehicle to maintain warr. This is the min requirements and sometimes though you'll find there is little things you can do on your own to provide even more protection to your investment. So, here is a site that an engineer friend of mine, Mr. Hoofer, had taken a lot of time assembling so to help even the most inept person at guiding them to a good maintanence practice which if you set up one, will find it to provide you even more extensive life to your car/truck. Enjoy..


PM means getting the best economy and safety from our automobiles by using the right mix of breakdown, scheduled, and predictive maintenance to prevent costly damage and unscheduled repairs.

I have used it to make my cars run and look like new for at least 10 years or 200,000 miles. Since I have no formal automotive training (outside of The School of Hard Knocks), I am confident that you can achieve or surpass my level of success too.

PM makes sense when you consider that our automobiles are often our second largest investment (after our homes) and carry the most precious cargo of all - our families and ourselves. PM does not require extensive training or expensive tools. It requires learning basic checks that all drivers should know how to do and keeping good records. We are NOT talking rocket science here!

These are GENERIC checklists and you must compare them against the maintenance requirements in your Owner's Manual. Be sure to meet or exceed all Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) guidelines, especially warranty requirements. Ask your mechanic or dealership service department if you have any questions.

I strongly recommend that you follow the OEM "severe" maintenance schedule, even if you drive "normal". The OEM is motivated to avoid paying warranty claims, but keep a steady supply of return customers. Oil is easier and cheaper to change than engines if you catch my drift.

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Bob: Thanks for this info. I have printed the forms to show my 17 year old son the importance of regular PM.

It's hard for me to believe he is the son of an oil salesman. He is about as mechanically inclined as my wife. And that means he know where to put the key.
I suspect he's in good company as there is so many that are like him. I have a friend of mine in ark, can't even put a belt on. His wife has more mechanical aptitude than he does. aaaaammmmmaaaazzzziiinnngg!

More than many, just about everybody!! Best I've seen is a female at a service station trying to add top-up oil into the dipstick tube? We are a very small minority who want to mke our vehicles 'the best'. Most don't care or just can't be bothered.
Best I've seen is a female at a service station trying to add top-up oil into the dipstick tube?

Oh yeah? Well on my trusty Cavalier 2.2 liter engine, the oil filler IS the dipstick tube. Probably so you can't get any idea on how crappy the inside of the engine really is.
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