Originally Posted By: jrustles
Still lovin' that Boron in the Chevron DELO 400LE!
Always wondered about that measurement, though. Is it really accurate?! I can't find anything on VOA/UOA to support it
I just posted a UOA on Delo 15/40 ... its almost virgin, was in my motorcycle for 1000 miles, posted it under the motorcycle part but here is the report if interested.
Heck they're all pretty similar, maybe I should save money and just start running Tec traveller brand Ir wal marts supertech. I have got delvac for less than $10 a gal most of the time though.
Heck they're all pretty similar, maybe I should save money and just start running Tsc's traveller brand Ir wal marts supertech. I have got delvac for less than $10 a gal most of the time though.