I see all this talk asking how often to change oil,how many miles??? I have always thought it depends on the type of driving, city or hiway? Well years ago I picked up on something that I have used on the last 7 or 8 cars of mine that I feel is better than an odometer for oil changes and that is a 'HOUR METER'. Kind of a cheap GM oil life monitor. You stop at a stop lite, it keeps counting, idling in the food line at Mcdonalds, it keeps counting, as long as the engine is running, it's still counting,etc. can't say that for an odometer. Boats, planes, genorator's all use them. Now how often do you change the oil? years ago I read an article about some new engine that had just completed a 4000hour test which was said to have simulated a 100,000 mile run at an average of 25mph which they, the engine maker said was what the averge driver does. This same company says to change oil every 3000miles for severe use and 7500miles for hiway. 3000 at 25mph = 120hours and 7500 at 25 = 300hours which sounded like alot of hours to me and 7500/120hours = 62.5 mph which is faster than I average(42mph) so I went for the happy medium of 200hours which was backed up when I found that Ford recommends a 200hour oil change for vehicles that idle for long periods of time under 'severe' conditions. Well 200 hours takes me about 8000 to 8400miles at an average overall speed of 42mph per the hour meter in my every day driving life of mostly hiway driving not considered to be 'severe'. The last car today has 240+ miles on it, still not using oil after a life of re-refined/new dino. Just had to write this being I have yet to see much talk here about hour meters.