Man, glad I got rid of these. WEll.. I don't know how Water got inside .. but it look slike my AIr/Fuel ratio is pretty good.
Oh no.. ever since i installed them,, 6 k later.. i would have poor performance, my engine would bog, poor Cold starts etc. These NGK's are unbelievable! I love them. I don't think Hyundai's like Platinums except the XG350's anyways. yeah.. its the 2.0 litre 4 cylinder. such a great engine. even better ever since my first ARX.. now i'm on my Second Phase.quote:
Originally posted by Clement:
4 cyl Tib, is that the 2.0L?
In my Accent witht he 1.6L, Bosch Platinums didn't last 14K miles. I developed a rough idle. Turns out 2 of the 4 plugs had the platinum electrode almost completely burned out, I think it was the #1 and 3 cylinders. Replaced them with NGK and 16K miles later they are still good.
I'd never use Champs either. In high school I bought a used Hyundai Accent and the owner before did a minor tune up(changed plugs) before selling. I checked the gap and everything after i bought it..then 30k later, i bought regular NGK.. about 7 bucks for 4 at Auto zone. you could feel the difference.quote:
Originally posted by Jon:
I've had great luck with the Champion plugs in my '02 Accord V6. Just the basic plug, 6 of 'em for 9 dollars. As for Bosch? You could pay me to put them in, but it's gonna cost you. Alot. IMO, Bosch doesn't hold a candle to NGK or Denso.
If it were mine, I'd put in the Champs and change 'em every 20K or whenever.
Then you get better NGKs than I do. All my plugs for the last 70k miles (5 sets) have done that. 3 sets of NGK and 2 sets of Denso. Always with the brown crap up the outside of the porcelain. Only goes away when I keep the outside of the plug coated with silicone dielectric grease.quote:
Originally posted by Jason Troxell:
The discoloration is combustion gas blow by. I get that with Bosch. Never with NGK. The blowby is probably so little as to not affect performance, but to me indicates the NGK are better sealed and most likely better built overall if they have tighter tolerances and are paying more attention to details.