picked up an XJ Cherokee 4.0, oil recommendation?

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Jul 3, 2013
Picked up a 2001 Cherokee XJ 60th Anniversary Ed. for a winter car/light off road/something relatively easy to work on and cheap parts etc. 157k on the odometer

My question is this - as soon as I got it I drained what was in it and put in standard MS5K 10w30 - just to know I had new oil at least. Would there be anything wrong with running this oil full time? I see a lot about PYB in these engines as well as Rotella T5 but they are more costly, and I want costs low as this is a second car. Definitely M1 does not seem to be a popular choice for people, high iron etc, and that's all I've been running in my Audi so I can't exactly just stick to what I know.

I've searched for a UOA on MS5K but no luck, maybe I'm not good enough with searching.

Also a question on OCI, manual seems to say 7500mi but I don't see many running that on their Jeeps, is there a reason for this? I don't mind to change more often but of course less is less waste, less hassle if there's no good reason to do more.

The jeep will be driven on short/med trips in the mountains with a long (3-6hr) trip every week or two most likely. We do have a winter here in Boone with snow and somewhat cold temps, wondering if I should switch to 5w30 for that season? Seems people are split on that topic.

Hoping this Jeep lasts so I can trade my A3 hatch for a RWD coupe at some point and just rely on the Jeep when I need more utility - I'm definitely trying to do my part to keep it on the road so any help will be appreciated.
You can use Mobil 1 with no worries. I would use either 5W30 or 0w30 or 0w40 or Rotella 5w40. Based on short trips I would use nothing heavier than a 5W30 or 40.
the 4.0s seem to shear 5-30's, I would use the T5 or T6. You cant beat Rotella T5 (or any HDEO) in these motors and it only $17 a gallon.
I'm not a a fan of Mobil in this motor, they seem to do the best on the heavier side of 30wt and 40wts.

I normally run 4500mi OCI's with the T5, I could go longer but just choose no to. I do switch to a 5-30 PNZL HM in the winter months, but this year I think I'm going T6 5-40 or 0-40.
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There have been a TON of 4.0 jeep recommendations recently. I'd suggest doing a search.

My recommendation is the cheapest Delo or Rotella you can find. 10w30 or 5w40 year round have worked for me in the past here in N GA.
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I've seen plenty of recommendations but wanted some input specifically on the viability of MS5K in this engine - which I haven't seen discussed. It seems usually well regarded for other engines but almost no one seems to recommend it for a 4.0. Thanks for the recommendation.
Originally Posted By: lawrencerd
I've seen plenty of recommendations but wanted some input specifically on the viability of MS5K in this engine - which I haven't seen discussed. It seems usually well regarded for other engines but almost no one seems to recommend it for a 4.0. Thanks for the recommendation.

that in itself should speak volumes......
I've owned 3 vehicles with this engine.

IMO stay away from M1. Although it's a great oil, for some reason the 4.0 shows much higher iron in UOAs when using M1.

I used Valvoline, ST Syn and Amsoil 5w30, all with great UOAs at 5000 miles. Took Amsoil up to 10k but that was a little long.

One oil I never got around to testing was the Rotella T6 5w40. Several here on BITOG have used it and the 4.0 seems to love it.
Rotella T6 5w-40 seems to work well for a lot of people in that motor. I wish I still had the XJ that my family had years ago. If you're going to use Mobil 1, the 10w-40 HM is the way to go.
The 15w-40 hdeo's seem to be the prefered oils for many of the 4.0 owners I know, with good results.
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I run Grp III 5W30 in my Jeep and it is beaten worse than anyone's here. I enjoy less parasitic loss than thicker grades.

Your 4.0L needs nothing more than a modern 5W30 conventional for a long and happy life. Or as Chris said, something "oily".
Originally Posted By: lawrencerd
I've seen plenty of recommendations but wanted some input specifically on the viability of MS5K in this engine - which I haven't seen discussed. It seems usually well regarded for other engines but almost no one seems to recommend it for a 4.0. Thanks for the recommendation.

I've used MS5K 10w-30 in my 2001XJ many times. I bought mine with 158K miles on it and it has 198K now.Its excellent oil for it, but I have found using HM oils are a good thing. I did use an additive back in January to stop the rear main seal drip and it has not leaked since and that was several OCs ago so sticking with 10w-30 HM...Super Tech, Mobil, Valvoline,Pennzoil...The 4.0 does just fine with any of them.
Originally Posted By: C4Dave
Most owners like a 40 weight in the 4.0

No. SOME owners like it. I believe the majority run 5 or 10-30 which is what the manual calls for.
Originally Posted By: Toros
Originally Posted By: C4Dave
Most owners like a 40 weight in the 4.0

No. SOME owners like it. I believe the majority run 5 or 10-30 which is what the manual calls for.

I would have to agree with the post you quoted, its definitely the census among 4.0 guys to run a heavy 30 or a 40. I would rather make my oil choice based on UOA's rather than what the suits say based on EPA regulations.....
Originally Posted By: wsar10
Originally Posted By: Toros
Originally Posted By: C4Dave
Most owners like a 40 weight in the 4.0

No. SOME owners like it. I believe the majority run 5 or 10-30 which is what the manual calls for.

I would have to agree with the post you quoted, its definitely the census among 4.0 guys to run a heavy 30 or a 40. I would rather make my oil choice based on UOA's rather than what the suits say based on EPA regulations.....

The "census" you speak of is a very small minority. Most of the millions of 4.0L's produced saw what-ever-the-heck their owners could find cheapest when they actually decided to change the oil.

UOA's are not an indicator of engine wear either, even though many try to justify their oil choice using that info. Tear downs are required to measure wear and given my experience with this engine design, you are simply not going to see a difference between a 5W30 vs a "thick" 30 or 40 wt.
I have run PU & PP 10W30 and T6 5W40. Both are fine, but you loose about 1 mpg with the 40 weight.

I am not sure the 4.0 engine prefers any particular weight be it 30 or 40.

I have decided to use PP 10W30.

While some years of the engines have issues (cracked #331 head) and cracked piston skirts I do not think they are oil related.
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