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See the "image" option under "Instant UBB Code"? When you click the "image" button, a small window will pop up. Paste the URL of the picture (which must be uploaded on the web) in that box.* Then check with "Preview Post" if it's working.

*Be careful, it already says "http://" in the little pop-up window, so just erase that and paste the complete image URL in. That's easier.

[ August 10, 2003, 05:23 PM: Message edited by: moribundman ]
No it means you have to get it hosted on some site and assigned a url so that it can be pasted into this boards format. Some charge for this some allow small pics for free.

[ August 10, 2003, 05:35 PM: Message edited by: badnews ]
Ahhhh.... Thanks.
If you get web space, make sure the server allows "remote loading," or you can't show your pictures on any other than your own site. That's a common issue with free web space.
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