Photos Marking Change

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Dec 31, 2017
SE British Columbia, Canada
I enjoy taking photos that mark change around us. Often change comes so slowly you need photos to realize it's happening. Here are a few. One is a car charging station in Creston, BC just north if the Idaho border. Another is of a Nissan Leaf which is only the 2nd fully electric car I've seen in these parts. Enjoy.


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Google Earth has historical satellite/air photography if you want a "big picture", though coverage and resolution is rather variable.

I used it for some quantitative environmental change surveys with a class last semester. Some groups did quite well.

I'd show you some pictures but...well...I don't really like change.

Coastal Erosion


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It creeps up on us. Look for a photo from the early 90s, there'll be a video rental store in every strip mall.
I was actually looking for video rental places in Edinburgh yesterday to copy some BBC Nature DVD's for possible class use. (Come and get me, copper).

Plenty shown on the internyet but they don't seem to actually exist on the ground.

As well as the technical obsolescence reasons, in Edinburgh there are many charity shops which are probably the last street outlet refuge of the DVD here, (as well as another reason for the rental places demise). Got The Blue Planet set for 4.99

AFAIK they still exist in Taiwan (no charity/used outlets), but probably not for much longer.

(First picture above is 2007 so the wood and the beach have gone in 10 years. I thought I'd captioned it but must have screwed the new upload procedure (used here in conjunction with the new 3D Paint program) somehow.)

Like I said, I don't really like change. Often seems to be pointless and/or destructive.
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