Petro Canada...People's Oil?

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Jul 24, 2002
Quebec, Canada
In my life-long search for Petro Canada 5W40 Duron oil, I've been stumbling upon their other marketed oils. Also, spec sheets of the 5W40 Duron seems to be hard to find (can't find it in their website). Funny how the Americans can easily obtain 5W40 Duron and I can't

Anyway, that's somewhat beside the point. Ever since I've been visiting Bob's oil page and this web board, I've been paying close attention to the labels written on the back of every oil container that I come across (you guys are making me anal-retentive now

Recently, I came across a few bottles of Petro Canada "Synthetic Performance" Oils and the lone 5W30 "Full Synthetic". Based on readings in the TDIClub and here, I know now that Castrol Syntec is not Full Synthetic but a Group III hydrocracked. This is obviously not mentioned on their labels, and as far as I know, it is not mentioned on their website Product info pages. Petro Canada however, clearly states that their Synthetic Performance oils are Group III "severely hydrocracked to perform like synthetic". They stayed away from "Full Synthetic" or "100% Synthetic" labels except for one lone bottle : 5W30 Full Synthetic. If I'm not mistaken, their 5W30 Full Synthetic is Group IV based.

I found this very intriguing that they are very upfront about this. Although, their spec sheets do not show promising numbers, I'm just wondering if they've caught on about the Castrol Syntec fiasco, and have, ever since, been careful.

On that note, has anyone have any oil analysis numbers about any of Petro Canada's line-up of oils? And does anyone have any spec numbers on their 5W40 Duron oil?


It seems like you can only buy them at Petro Canada Gas Stations. Haven't seen them pop-up in any Wal-Marts or Crappy Tire stores.

Anyway, prices that I've seen:

Synthetic Performance 5W30/10W30: $3.99CDN per litre plus tax.

Full Synthetic 5W30: $7.99CDN per litre plus tax.

I didn't get any Duron prices (and obviously, I haven't found any Duron 5W40).


Wow, that converts to $2.51 and $5.03.

A little high on the full synth, though that's what Mobil 1 is going for, but the Group III is 1/2 the price of the Group IV, which is in line with what it actually cost to make it.

Wish we could find some more honest oil companies.
As a pricing comparison, right now Mobil 1 sells for $6.35 a liter at Walmart up here. The 5L jugs often go for $25.40 though, making it even cheaper.

I pay approximately $8 per liter for Schaeffers with the taxes and shipping factored in. It'll be cheaper if I order large orders though.
VaderSS -> I know there is a Texan in who orders Duron 5W40 by the box. If you are interested, you might want to run a search there. But like I said, I don't know 5W40 properties and the rest doesn't look that much promising.

Patman -> I think Mobil 1 still sells around $8/litre here to compete with the Castrol Syntecs and Havoline Synthetics. They also discontinued the 5L jugs or possibly just run out of stock
One thing though, I found an AMSOIL dealer selling 5W30 for $8.50/quart. So, off to AMSOIL I go...unless my oil analysis for Delvac-1 persuades me otherwise.

Here are some of the spec sheets for Petro Canada oils.

Petro Canada PowerPlus (Synthetic Perf.) 5W30
Visc cSt
@ 40C 60
@100C 10.3
Visc SUV
@ 100F 279
@ 210F 60
Visc. Index 159
Flash C/F 214/417
CCV 2300 @ -25
BorderLine Pumping 10100 @ -35
Sulphated Ash 0.8%

Petro Canada Full Synthetic 5W30
Visc cSt
@ 40C 59
@ 100C 10.2
Visc SUV
@ 100F 274
@ 210F 60
Visc. Index 159
Flash C/F 225/437
CCV @ -25C 2110
BorderLine Pumping @ -35 9000
Sulphated Ash 0.8%

Sorry for the bad format.


If I go to the hassle of ordering oil, it will be Shaeffer, otherwise, I'll stay with Mobil 1, but I do like that they are up front about the content of their oil.

Patman, are you talking about the Tri Mobil, or the SuperSyn? We were payin $4 a quart for it, which is in line with your price.
Oz, whereabouts in Canada are you again? Didn't you say Ottawa before?

Vader, that price is for TriSynthetic. I expect that when we finally do get SuperSyn, the price will be jacked up. It doesn't matter much to me though, once my Mobil 1 oil analysis results are all done with my wife's car, I probably won't continue using M1 anymore.

Correction, it is $6.35CDN per litre for Mobil1. Other "synthetic" brands are roughly the same. I just checked an hour ago, and there was no 5W30 or 10W30 5L Mobil1 jugs

Even still, 5L of Mobil1 from WalMart is roughly $31CDN compared to 5 US quarts of AMSOIL $42.50CDN. I think I'll spend the extra $10 for AMSOIL next time around.

BTW, I live in Montreal, and I think I'm the only one from Quebec here...


If I didn't find Schaeffers, I probably would have gone with Amsoil. I found a guy a few blocks
away from me who sells it, and he said a 4 quart jug was $36 CDN.

Originally posted by The_Oz:

Correction, it is $6.35CDN per litre for Mobil1. Other "synthetic" brands are roughly the same. I just checked an hour ago, and there was no 5W30 or 10W30 5L Mobil1 jugs

Even still, 5L of Mobil1 from WalMart is roughly $31CDN compared to 5 US quarts of AMSOIL $42.50CDN. I think I'll spend the extra $10 for AMSOIL next time around.

BTW, I live in Montreal, and I think I'm the only one from Quebec here...




If I didn't find Schaeffers, I probably would have gone with Amsoil.

Just to let you know I can do Canada orders too. Also can beat those suggested retail prices too. In case anyone ever needs something special. just drop me a line and we can discuss it.

Originally posted by The_Oz:

One thing though, I found an AMSOIL dealer selling 5W30 for $8.50/quart. So, off to AMSOIL I go...unless my oil analysis for Delvac-1 persuades me otherwise.


From my price (canadian)list that is the suggested retail for the XL7500. Which is soon going to be a group III oil. Just to let you know. Also you have shipping to figure in there.

Originally posted by con carne:

$8 a litre for Schaeffer? How much is it before shipping?

I should have said $8 a quart (although a quart and liter are pretty close, one quart is .946 L) but anyways, before taxes, a case of 12qts of Schaeffers 703 blend works out to $58.88 CDN (about $37 US) so it's $4.90 a quart CDN (just over $3 US) But then we have to add our 7% GST taxes (but luckily no 8% provincial tax since I order it from out of province) and $32 for shipping. But if I order more than one case the shipping costs go down. Even though it ends up costing me just over $8 per quart (just over $5 US) I think it's worth it. I really think that with my hard driving, and with the cold weather starts in the winter time, that the moly in Schaeffers is going to reduce my engine wear quite a bit.

Just thought I would throw this in. Petro Canada is the company that makes the Group III base stock for Castrol.

Johnny -> Hmmm...interesting. I wonder if the Petro Canada Power Plus "Synthetic Performance" line-up is the same as Castrol Syntec. Therefore, you now have Petro Canada selling the same oil for $4CDN per litre versus Castrol Syntec $6.50 per litre...that's very interesting indeed, Johnny - Thanks

Patman -> I'm not very knowledgeable about Schaeffer. Please fill us in on your results when you get them. $100CDN for 12 quarts doesn't sound that bad.

msparks -> The price given to me was not for the XL, Series 3000, or Series 2000 line-up. It's the other Full Synthetic 5W30 (dang, I can't remember the product code). If I'm not mistaken, this 5W30 is their bread-n-butter oil. I appreciate the offer, but for the time being, I'll have to respectfully decline. I hate dealing with Customs



Originally posted by con carne:
Oh, I see, you are putting taxes in there too!

Yes, that's true! So really, it does work out that I am paying a bit less than Amsoil after all, as it would be $9 per quart plus taxes for me, and since I'd buy it in province, I pay 15% tax, so that's over $10 per quart.
Oz, I will definitely post the results on here the instant I get them! I have calculated that I should be done with my first interval with Schaeffers right around early to mid December.

And when you think about it, $100 isn't bad at all for a case of oil, since that case will eventually do me for probably a year's worth of oil changes once I go to 15,000km intervals.
OZ and PATMAN, I sure wish your politicians would go ahead and vote you in as the 51st state and cut the customs redtape. To ship my kits to you guys I've got to fill out a custody form thanks to 9/11. Just more Redtape for an empty container.
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