Just read specs of the Heavy Duty 10w30
web page
HTHS 3.5
Beats the regular oil and is, in some ways,
better than the synthetic (Group III)
Some will poo poo the HD diesel purpose of the oil,
but I like it
Haven't seen it at Walmart. Where do you find it?
[ August 06, 2002, 12:36 AM: Message edited by: jjbula ]
Just read specs of the Heavy Duty 10w30
web page
HTHS 3.5
Beats the regular oil and is, in some ways,
better than the synthetic (Group III)
Some will poo poo the HD diesel purpose of the oil,
but I like it
Haven't seen it at Walmart. Where do you find it?
[ August 06, 2002, 12:36 AM: Message edited by: jjbula ]