Ethylene gas.

There is no such thing as Methene as -ene implies a double bond between carbons and the prefic Meth-implies a single carbon compound so no bonds between carbons, double or otherwise can exist.quote:
Originally posted by Bob Woods:
Aren't methene and ethylene in the same class of hydrocarbons? With methane having the smallest molecule?
yes methane is used as a feedstock for nearly all organic chemicals such as ethylene.quote:
Originally posted by Bob Woods:
Originally posted by Bob Woods:
There is no such thing as Methene
Golly Gee, I make one typo and you pick on me!
I think LNG (liquified natural gas) and Naptha are the two most common feed stocks for cracking to produce Ethylene.quote:
Originally posted by labman:
I think much of your ethylene is produced by breaking down higher hydrocarbons. The one decene more likely is produced from ethylene or refined directly from the crude.
Actually, all these companies are clamoring for agreements and joint ventures. The middle eastern governments let these companies do all the engineering and construction, and just take a share of the profit. There is a lot of construction going on there. Exxon, and, I think, Shell or BP have plans for building world scale LNG processing plants in Qatar and Oman. The chemical companies would love to take advantage of the cheap and readily available raw materials. This is the new petrochemical frontier for supplying the east.quote:
If the Muslims really want to destroy the West, they should be putting their money into oil refineries and chemical plants instead of arms. I think they also have a good supply of the other chemical basic, salt. They could run DuPont, Dow, Monsanto, BASF, etc. out of business.