"The dip stick shows relatively clean oil, even when it is just before an oil change. Some people say that indicates the oil is not cleaning the engine very well."
I'd say this is often true for older engines and dirty engines. Worn engines will put more contaminants in their oil, and this should show up as darkening. If the oil doesn't darken, then crud is somehow being kept out of suspension -- the oil is not doing it's "detergent & dispersant" job. If the engine is dirty (sludge is visible through the oil filler cap, for example), and the oil doesn't darken over time, then it's not dissolving the sludge, which is lame. But new engines are often easy on oil since they're still "tight" -- it might take several thousand miles to get the oil truly non-clear and dark. P.S. Your 5 yr old Toyota engine sounds pretty clean. Congrats! Sounds like you've evaded any "sludge monsters."
[ November 18, 2003, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: TC ]