Oil seeping around valve cover spark plug gaskets?

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Oct 6, 2005
Buffalo, NY
I just changed the spark plugs on my recently purchased used 2000 Subaru Outback 2.5L gasoline 4-cyl, 100k miles. This is the first spark plug change I've done since purchasing the used vehicle.

Whilst changing the spark plugs, I noted some amount of engine oil around what I believe are the valve cover spark plug gaskets. Is this normal? It wasn't like gushing out, but the spark plug hole was sort of wet with oil. I have changed spark plugs on a few other vehicles and recall seeing perhaps a little oil in that area, but not this much.

This vehicle does not seem to consume/leak any oil; I don't see any drips on the garage floor or on the valve covers and I haven't had to add any make up oil.

One thing I'm wondering is I think this vehicle had a 'tune-up' not too long before I purchased it. The spark plug wires, belts and hoses all look pretty new. I'm wondering if they checked the valve clearances (removed valve covers) during this 'tune-up', since it's recommended to be done at 105k miles. Perhaps the valve cover spark plugs gaskets should've been replaced at that time? Thanks guys!
They are typiclly seperate O-ring seals for the spark plug towers. Real common to see some oil in there. I've never seen one fill to the point of shorting out the spark plug.

Make sure the PCV system is up to snuff. With proper ventilation and no pressure build up in the crankcase this is minimized. Commom problem on the Taurus SHO with the Yamaha motor as the seals age.
Easy job on my 2.5L Forester. You need 2X valve cover gaskets, 10X gasket seals and 4X spark plug o-ring seals. Bolts are of the shoulder type and only need snugging to 3.6 foot pounds or you will snap them.
Most rubber gaskets only need a smidgen of silicone in the corners to hold them in place. You may want to use some on the plug well gaskets though.

If the plug wires sit in the oil it will ruin them. Also you want to get that oil out before you pull the plugs or take the valve cover off.
Thanks for all the info guys. I guess I won't worry about it then since I'm not losing any oil anywhere.

I have new OEM valve cover gaskets and gaskets for the spark plug holes because I am planning to check the valve clearances when I have time so I'll be replacing all those gaskets at that time.

Here's maybe a somewhat related question - what if any kind of gasket dressing or RTV should I put on the valve cover gaskets when replacing them?

A guy at AZ showed me this Permatex #2 or something I think it was (I think it's sort of like rubber cement) that he said he uses more or less just to hold the gasket in place during assembly. I don't really want to use RTV because I want it to be an easy removal if I have to get them off again in the future. Any suggestions on gasket dressings or sealants?
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