Originally Posted By: Merkava_4
Originally Posted By: oldmaninsc
Where did anyone say they were afraid of 10W-30?
Anybody who's reluctant to use 10W-30 in their 0W-20/5W-20 specified car is afraid of 10W-30. They will never tell you
why they won't use 10W-30 other than to say that it's not the recommended grade in their owners manual. I'm left to wonder what's
really going on in their imagination.
Yes, makes me wonder WHY someone wouldn't want to violate their warranty. Warranties are made to be voilated.
Originally Posted By: Garak
Originally Posted By: Merkava_4
Anybody who's reluctant to use 10W-30 in their 0W-20/5W-20 specified car is afraid of 10W-30.
Some people don't live in California, you know.
That's a good thing, I would have to get rid of most of my firearms and most of the magazines they use as Californians think they are "dangerous".
Originally Posted By: Merkava_4
Originally Posted By: oldmaninsc
Do you suppose that the engineers at Ford knew what they were doing and ran a few tests before recommending it?
The Ford engineers over in Australia are smarter, they recommend 5W-30 for the same car.
Only because they agree with you.