How does the MaxLife 10W-30 do? Does it shear to a 5W-20? I have had good luck with the MaxLife 10W-30. It especially stopped the leaking/seaping seals and leak spots. We have also had great luck with Castrol HM! It just didn't seem to be sealing the leaks the way the MaxLife did, but now after 3 OCI at 2500miles, they have stopped. It was better at giving high oil pressure and stopping oil consumption. My parents are using it in an Explorer V6 right now. I used it in a Corsica 2.2L for the winter, and it was the only oil that stopped consumption. The MPG did go down a bit with the Castrol HM, but it still was impressive. I got some Castrol HM 10/30 and 10/40 for my grandfather, who likes to work with small engines. He was amazed at how it reduced/stopped oil consumption and smoking! I think they are fine oils, myself.