oil for a not soo good quest

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Sep 14, 2002
my friends mom has a daily driven 1996 nissan quest. its not in too good of condition and it didnt pass smog. when i tap the accelerator i hear ticking...i look inside the engines oil and its pretty dark...im assuming sludge is present.

i told her about auto rx but she doesnt want to try it. i really want to run it in her car but i doubt she will let me.

would a high milage oil help her? she is burning oil. when 3k comes up the dipstick registers on the bottom. will at least it help the car out somewhat....maybe it can get rid of some sludge...some...i wish i can really use auto rx in there.

the car has about 120k. driven slow cause she is a slow driver and only for errans.

i might just give her some auto rx without her knowing =)

Why even waste your time. She obiously does not want to do anything. Let her take it to the dealership or buy a new car. People are responsible for their actions. If she didnt keep it up, and refuses to let you help...let her deal with it.

Next week on All My Children... Sneaking out of the love nest where he has Jennifer tied up, Diego discovers Roger putting Auto-RX in his crankcase... Meanwhile, still recovering from her small-block-Chevy-related catfight with Ophelia, Lana asks Pierre whether the filter he recommended really bypasses at 15-18 psi and whether Cynthia is carrying his child.

Next week on All My Children... Sneaking out of the love nest where he has Jennifer tied up, Diego discovers Roger putting Auto-RX in his crankcase... Meanwhile, still recovering from her small-block-Chevy-related catfight with Ophelia, Lana asks Pierre whether the filter he recommended really bypasses at 15-18 psi and whether Cynthia is carrying his child.

That was funny,good job. I would change the name of the show to As The Oil Drips,and base the show around a Jiffy Lube.
Do nothing, recommend nothing. Repeat: do nothing, recommend nothing.

Why? After you do anything, or she follows your recommendation, when *Anything* goes wrong with the car, she'll blame *YOU* for it. No foolin'.

What if you recommend something, & she doesn't follow your recommendation? She'll rationalize some way to blame all subsequent trouble on *YOU* anyway.
No, I'm *NOT* kidding.

*Offer advice only when asked for it. Otherwise, MYOB.
*Never touch anyone else's car.
Leave it be.

Much as you're tempted to intervene, let it go. Best case scenereo, you fix the car, but... she wasn't looking to have it fixed anyway. Worst case scenereo, the job goes sour and she holds you responsible for ruining her car. It's a no-win situation.

Been there, done that, got my lumps.
Sometimes it is best not to touch someone elses car, but my business philosophy is that i should, and will help people solve many of their problems. That is why they keep coming back to me.
All problems are different, and by remote control not all things can be solved. I have a friend who has a 95 Villager (Quest by another name). 310,000 miles on it. The dealer wanted $1500 to repair it. Last year when I visited the states she gave it to me for the 3 weeks to use. She kept cases of STP gas treatment in it and said with a bottle or two in each tank it would more or less run. I nursed it through the tank of gas that was in it, stalling many times and much hard starting, a lot of smoke from the tailpipe. Put in a bottle of Techron with the next tank and it never stalled once. When I gave it back in 3 weeks she couldn't believe it was the same car. Ran like new. So if you know a few tricks, my thought is to use them.
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