Thanks for all the replies. I’m pretty sure its no big deal but I figured I might as well ask you guys.
I’ll try to answer all the questions from above.
Yes, the Jeep was parked on a leveled ground and it was still cold. I haven’t noticed a significant difference in the oil level between a cold and hot engine. As for my driving habits, well they haven’t changed. A lot of stop/go traffic and the occasional off-roading. It might be normal for cars to consume half a quart over 3K miles but it’s not normal for this car, judging from its past history when it was on the Mobil1 diet.
Steve S:
I know I can go a lot longer but since it’s the first run I figured I would dump the oil and see how far I can go the second time around.
I put Amsoil in at 10K miles on the odometer.
Yeap, once I added the bypass I had to add an extra quart (7 quarts total)
One last thing. The full flow and bypass filters are both remote filters (Amsoil BMK-13). Since I added the bypass kit I now notice that it takes 3 to 4 seconds for the oil pressure to build up. I have attributed this to the fact that the hoses (about 18 inches total) drain back in to the engine after I shut off the car. How destructive is this delay in lubrication at idle speeds and no load on the engine? Should I even be considering a pre-luber? It sounds like a waste of time and money.