Oil choice for my '94 Ford E150

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Feb 28, 2004
Pecan Gap,Tx
I just bought a '94 Ford E150 Chateau Club wagon with 137K miles on it. It looks to have been well cared for. I bought it from the original owner who had it serviced regularly by the dealer since it was new. He has been running the factory "Preferred" 5W30. Should I stay with 5W30? Should I go to a high mileage oil. My other van is a '78 Dodge 318 with 200K mi on the engine. I always used Castrol 20-50 and recently switched to Castrol High Mileage 20-50. My driving is in the Western states. I don't tow anything and the van is only moderately loaded with 2 people and their gear.
Thanks for your thoughts on this,
I take it you have the 4.9 or 5.8, as 10w-30 was "preferred" for the 5.0 in 1994.

My recommendation is Chevron or Havoline 10W-30 if it burns no oil and has no leaks. Chevron Delo 15W-40 is what I run in both a '94 F-150 5.0 with bad seals and an '87 Dodge B-250 318. You might try 15W-40 in both for "fleet" commonality.
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