oil and filter for 10k oil changes 2014 focus

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Mar 15, 2013
My drive 5 days a week is all highway. 22 miles one way. I like motorcraft but I think a full syn is better for 10,000 mile runs. Also which filter would be good for that extended drain interval
Any PCMO meeting Ford's requirements will be better than fine for your factory recommended OCI. If using an synthetic "helps you sleep better" by a synthetic on sale.

You have other things to worry about.
Ford recommends 5000 if severe and 10,000 if not. I drive pretty spirited at times and since it's brand new I like the idea of using the best now and sticking with it.
As per BITOG, you'll get plenty of suggestions. Here's mine:

It may not carry the certifications, but certainly carries the reputation, and the track record and additives to back it up: Amsoil with an Amsoil filter.

If you're concerned about warranty, then perhaps tig1's history using M1 on a 10k interval would interest you.
Motorcraft full synthetic would work just fine. I have heard it is great oil. You can buy it online or purchase from your local ford dealership. As for the filter you could use Purolator Synthetic, Royal Purple's oil filter or the Amsoil Ea. Any of those will work for 10k in a new vehicle.
price has a role into your decision. So you need to consider what is your alternative option and a step down for how much money saved.
If you only want the best (options given above).

But if that's too expensive, the alternative is to keep an eye out in the sales and promo forum to see what full synthetic goes on sale, and what filter(s) you get that are bundled with the deal.

That being said, didn't you say your car is new? So you have at least 5k miles before you even need to make a decision.
Your last post was on the OLM too, so you haven't even determined what is the standard OCI. Perhaps the OLM will come out that plain "regular" oil and filter is already good enough for 10k.
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I'd use one of the readily available 5w20 or 0w20 syns which are cheap in the 5 qt. jug at Walmart.

I'd use the Fram Toughguard which is $6 at Walmart.

Mobil 1 is hard to beat at WM prices....
I'm doing a change early then going to proceed with 10,000 oci.
I'm going to change it at 500 miles and then again at 10,000 and so on so forth doing the initial drain to get any break in metals ect.
sounds like you just want the best. Just get 2 changes worth of Amsoil products to scratch your itch, otherwise you'll always be wondering.

By the time you work through, it'll be 2years from now, so come back then and see what the next flavor of the month is, or perhaps the obsession will have gone away by then
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Originally Posted By: raytseng
price has a role into your decision. So you need to consider what is your alternative option and a step down for how much money saved.

Why does cost have to play into your decision? Its not like some oils cost hundreds more than other brands. It only costs (at most) $30ish more per oil change to go with a top shelf, premium oil and filter...But make sure you save that $30/change, because everyone knows that a brand new $20,000 car only deserves whatever oil is on sale.
I'm just bringing up to the front and center what is the tradeoff the guy is hinting at for his alternate option; which is cost even if he doesn't say it.

I'm not advocating one way or another, just making the guy think what are the decision factors when he is deciding between motorcraft semi-syn versus full-syn, versus amsoil or other boutique oil.

If amsoil were really the same cost as the cheapest conv. oil; that would end the debate on the majority of these oil choice threads.

Cost is always playing a role no matter which side of the argument you fall on. Some just choose to pay the cost (I do too).
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Originally Posted By: ram_man
My drive 5 days a week is all highway. 22 miles one way. I like motorcraft but I think a full syn is better for 10,000 mile runs. Also which filter would be good for that extended drain interval

My 14 Focus has been pretty easy on all the oils I've used in it, except it burned MC 5w-20 like nobodies business. Otherwise no reason to use other than MC filters, all my UOAs have come back in good shape regardless of weight or brand, I ran 4k-6k OCI and I'm betting the oil has plenty left in it. Once a month cross country trips though, no short stuff.
I have a focus that gets 10k runs with a fl910 and mobil 1 or pp, no problems. Also have a ford with a 3.0 dohc engine in it, it also gets 10 k runs with mobil 1, I tried pp in it but it used a qt between changes. I don't have to top off with the mobil 1
If 10k is your goal...

EDGE w/ti EP

Bosch Dist+
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I have the 2012 version and have been using the old version of Ultra. When this stock is exhausted, I may move to Mobil1 EP 0w/20. It certainly meets the Ford spec, is a long drain interval oil and, in 0w/20 at least, is 60-70% PAO, which sould result in low Noack - a good thing for a DI engine.

With all due deference to Ford's engineers, I'll confess I'm not quite convinced that the 10,000 mile OCI they recommend on everything, including DI and DI/EcoBoost engines on conventional oils will prove to be justified. If I were going to follow the IOLM, I'd do it in stages with a few UOAs on the way.
I use nothing but M1 0-20AFE in both Duratech 4 cyl engines. At 10K OCIs both are very clean and show no signs of engine wear.
I switched the factory fill to Mobil1 0w20 AFE after 5k. It meets Ford specs. I use the factory Motorcraft FL-910S filter.
Well valvoline sure is proud of their stuff. 25.77 for synpower. And mobil and pp are 22.66 Castro full syn was only 21.66 so I got that instead. Don't know a lot about it but it should do well
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