OG wire backed Fram Titanium FS2 C&P


$100 site donor 2024
Nov 27, 2023
Houston, TX
2010 ford F150 4.6l 92k miles
in service 6100 miles

out/off: 6 quarts Valvoline EP HM 5w-30 with Og wire backed Fram Titanium FS2

in/on: 5 quarts Valvoline Restore and Protect and 1 quart HPL EC30 and OG wire backed Fram Titanium FS2

filter looks good. spacing near crimp is awful but its wire backed so no tearing. wish they still made these.










The metal screen is really stout on these. I can hardly flex the pleats on the last cut open fs3600.
When Wide pleat spacing was somewhat ok but still the spacing is important for capturing debris, Soot, etc. It needs the right sized crack! :LOL:
Also, what's interesting is this doesn't have the bubbly shaped pleats but rather thinly shaped wire backing.
When Wide pleat spacing was somewhat ok but still the spacing is important for capturing debris, Soot, etc. It needs the right sized crack! :LOL:
Also, what's interesting is this doesn't have the bubbly shaped pleats but rather thinly shaped wire backing.
i thought the same thing. normally they have a “fatter” pleat. maybe the machine was out of adjustment that day.
When Wide pleat spacing was somewhat ok but still the spacing is important for capturing debris, Soot, etc.
Nonsense ... if the oil goes through the media, regardless of what part of the media or how it's shaped, the debris in the oil will be captured.
Nonsense ... if the oil goes through the media, regardless of what part of the media or how it's shaped, the debris in the oil will be captured.
Jumpy today eh? You simply don't understand what I meant. Ask what I mean next time for an explanation first. Nowhere did I say "media doesn't trap contaminates in certain locations".

Anyone can use their noggin & see for themselves, along w/c&p on BITOG, that there is usually more debris captured inside the creases of the media. The debris doesn't mainly accumulate on the outer bends of the media.
Jumpy today eh? You simply don't understand what I meant. Ask what I mean next time for an explanation first. Nowhere did I say "media doesn't trap contaminates in certain locations".

Anyone can use their noggin & see for themselves, along w/c&p on BITOG, that there is usually more debris captured inside the creases of the media. The debris doesn't mainly accumulate on the outer bends of the media.
You said: "the spacing is important for capturing debris, Soot, etc."

So tell us exactly why that would be important based on the fact that if all the oil goes through the media it will be filtered. What's going to happen if the pleats are not perfectly spaced? You seem to think filtering/capturing performance is a function of pleat spacing. It's not - if the oil goes through the media, it gets filtered and captured.

Yes, debris will typically deposit down deep in the pleats, and that's still going to be true if the pleats are not spaced perfectly. One basic law of fluid flow is that it will always find the path of least resistance, so as areas of the media load up with debris, the fluid will just start flowing to areas that are more free flowing until the whole media area is loaded. Fluids like oil can flow through the tiniest spaces (like the tiny pores in the media), especially when being forced through the filter by the oil pump. So this is just another "analysis by looks" that results in misconceptions.
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You said: "the spacing is important for capturing debris, Soot, etc."

So tell us exactly why that would be important based on the fact that if all the oil goes through the media it will be filtered. What's going to happen if the pleats are not perfectly spaced? You seem to think filtering/capturing performance is a function of pleat spacing. It's not - if the oil goes through the media, it gets filtered and captured.

Yes, debris will typically deposit down deep in the pleats, and that's still going to be true if the pleats are not spaced perfectly. One basic law of fluid flow is that it will always find the path of least resistance, so as areas of the media load up with debris, the fluid will just start flowing to areas that are more free flowing until the whole media area is loaded. Fluids like oil can flow through the tiniest spaces (like the tiny pores in the media), especially when being forced through the filter by the oil pump. So this is just another "analysis by looks" that results in misconceptions.
Fitting the right amount of media, based on the type, needs to be in a wavy pattern to perform it's intended purpose. You can't have a flat walled pleat with basic cellulose & expect there to be 13 grams of holding capacity. There's only so much space to be had & spacing is important for proper filtering/holding capacity period. Take this TITANIUM & space it out to be a flat walled filter & it will not perform the same but LESS. You seem to think that pleat spacing has nothing to do with filter/holding capacity which IS nonsense.
Fitting the right amount of media, based on the type, needs to be in a wavy pattern to perform it's intended purpose.
Some misconceptions going on. The purpose of why filter media is shaped into a pleat pattern (what you define as "wavy pattern" - maybe those "wavy" Ultra pleats help "capture debris", lol) is to be able to put a large amount of media area in a confined space of the filter can. The shape of the pleats and the spacing of the pleats isn't going to change the way the media filters oil. If the oil goes through the media then it gets filtered and the debris is captured. You think those filters with the Z shaped pleats has some other debris capturing issues due to their shape?

You can't have a flat walled pleat with basic cellulose & expect there to be 13 grams of holding capacity.
Wrong ... the holding capacity is a function of the total media area, not the shape that the media is in.

There's only so much space to be had & spacing is important for proper filtering/holding capacity period.
Again, please explain exactly how the pleat spacing is going to change the holding capacity and filtering performance.

Take this TITANIUM & space it out to be a flat walled filter & it will not perform the same but LESS.
Tell us why the same total media area is going to perform different if it's a "flat wall" vs shaped into pleats ... and go into why if the pleats are not spaced out perfectly that it will change it's holding capacity. If the media was one flat wall, and you passed the same amount of oil and debris through it, then it would still capture and hold the same amount of debris as if it was folded up into the shape of pleats. Tell us why it would "not perform the same but LESS" as you claimed.

You seem to think that pleat spacing has nothing to do with filter/holding capacity which IS nonsense.
Yes, I do think pleat spacing has nothing to do with a filter's holding capacity because as I already said, the holding capacity is a function of the total media area of any specific media type. What's nonsense is thinking the shape of the media pleats and the spacing changes the way it filters and its total holding capacity.
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Make that media flat (no zig zag creases) & you have LESS of a product. Media spacing matters for filtering capacity, strength, etc.
LoL ... there isn't "less" media. If anything, you might have more active media flow area if the media was perfectly flat since one could claim that the oil may not want to flow through the folded corners as easily (but it still can flow there) as the flat sections of the pleats until the other areas of the media loaded up to reduce flow in those areas.

So now you're claiming that folded pleats and their spacing don't filter the same as if the media was flat (^bold part above^)? Explain exactly why you think that. Where are you coming up with this stuff? 😄
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Creasing the media allows more surface area for a filter's ability to filter & determines it's filtering capacity. There is a set amount of space for the media & the makers try to fit what they can inside of that space for filter & capacity performance. That last sentence is more of you instigating & is not what I said.
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