Northern Quebec in a Beaver on floats...

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Jan 27, 2005
Quebec, Canada
These pictures I took while on a work trip in northern Quebec circa 2002. Purpose of the trip was annual maintenance of automatic climate stations scattered around Alcan's dams and reservoirs.

Prior to take off at Chute-des-Passes;


These bush pilots are amazing. Fortunately, we had wonderful weather all week.


Cargo on one side and at the back. Not exactly first class but more fun than any charter you can name.
I was back benching here...


Notice the snow remaining. Pictures were taken in the first week of june and temperature were in the 60's and 70's F.


See the wind tower and sensor to the right. Wind sensor is an RM Young.


We would park on the shore, get our gear out, do our maintenance and hop back in for the next station.


The old Beaver dating from the early 50's, if I remember correctly, had just been completely rebuilt before this trip.


Pictures aren't that good because they were taken off my now old work 2.0 MP Fuji. Sorry for the soze of the pictures, I can't post them any smaller although I click the 640 X 480 size...

Actually, can someone enlighten me on the exact type of aircraft this Beaver is?

[ May 26, 2006, 09:04 PM: Message edited by: Minou ]
Grande photographie! Ces images sont fantastiques ! Don't sell your photography or camera short! The Beaver is a DeHavilland DHC-2.
Too late for edit but title of thread should have read;

Northern Quebec in a De Havilland DHC-3 Otter on floats ...

Specifications here;

Although the specs sheet says it has a 9 cylinder radial piston engine, I counted 11 on my picture. I remember the pilot telling that some of these Otters had a bigger and more powerful motor.

Here is a Beaver picture taken on the same trip;


Your french is excellent PSCHOLTE. Bravo!
I'm with LT4 on this one. I retired in October of last year, now I want to go back to work at your old job. And those are great pictures. Got a chance to fly in one of those about 4 years ago up in Nestor Falls. What an experience.

pscholte you never cease to amaze me with your many talents.

Merci in deed.

I'm guessing we are fortunate to have a number of multi-talented and mult-faceted members of this board and I'm guessing you are not the least among them!
Well maybe in some things, but not language. Just speak and understand one, and I sometimes have a hard time with that.

Thanks for the compliment.

Originally posted by pscholte:
Monsieur Minou,

Vous êtes trop gentil.


Au plaisir.

BTW, where are you from and how did you learn french?

As far as these trips in the north go, I know that several americans and tourists from abroad pay top dollars for fishing and hunting trips to these far reaches. I just happened to get paid, plus overtime hours and expense account to do my work.

One more thing. It makes me smile every time now when I see characters in movies having conversation like they would in an airport limo while crossing the rockies aboard one of these airplanes. The racket is absolutely deafening.

Originally posted by Minou:


Originally posted by pscholte:
Monsieur Minou,

Vous êtes trop gentil.


Au plaisir.

BTW, where are you from and how did you learn french?

As far as these trips in the north go, I know that several americans and tourists from abroad pay top dollars for fishing and hunting trips to these far reaches. I just happened to get paid, plus overtime hours and expense account to do my work.

One more thing. It makes me smile every time now when I see characters in movies having conversation like they would in an airport limo while crossing the rockies aboard one of these airplanes. The racket is absolutely deafening.


I am from Oklahoma/Texas growing up but I have lived in Europe and Asia as well as the US since then. I took French in High School, minored in French at University, but it has gotten rusty with disuse and with having learned some German and Italian since then.
Years ago, I my wife and I flew on a Beaver from North Bay to an island on Lake Tamagami. I took my diving gear and enough food for 2 weeks. Turns out I took the last picture of the pilot, who had a brand new daughter, just before he took off too steeply, hit his stall angle, crashed into the lake, and died. It became an ordeal getting back to North Bay.


I just noticed your're so modest. You are that guy that discovered America, aren't you? And you never even mention it! Modest...modest...modest...
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