"No one here will support a 5-6k oil change interval without UOA to back it up."
Actually, I'll happily back up 5K-6K oil changes for non-Severe Service without UOAs. I've never come close to wearing out any of a half-dozen engines with that interval and up to 150K miles of driving. All those car engines were like-new when I sold 'em. That's what oil certifications are for, a fact completely lost on some UOA advocates. The cert's confirm that an oil will perform in a certain manner for a certain service interval. There's always exceptions, but they're of no concern to most drivers. Europeans routinely go much, much longer than 5K-6K on oil, with no adverse effects. Fleets, due to higher overall costs and potential cost savings, can take better advantage of UOAs.
UOAs for individual car owners can be helpful and even point out needed repairs. But to suggest in any way that they're NECESSARY -- no way, Jose. And such a need for newer engines is rarely borne out in UOAs on this board, unless reducing iron wear from 16 ppm down to 10 ppm is somehow a "need," which it never will be, of course.