New lubricant standard for Stellantis FPW9.55535/03

Feb 19, 2023
Any toughts on subject "Stellantis group goes from 0w30 to 5w30 in order to prevent chain wear"? First time I've seen impact of low W viscosity on chain wear.
"In December 2023, the dealers of the Citroën, DS, Opel and In December 2023, the dealers of the Citroën, DS, Opel and Peugeot have received a technical note indicating : « Research work and mechanical tests carried out have shown that the use of a specific engine oil had a positive impact on the reliability of DV5R engines in service produced before February 2023. » Thus, the Stellantis group recommends the use of a 5W30 lubricant instead of 0W30. The difference ? The viscosity is higher when cold start. « This new standard Stellantis FPW9.55535/03 aims to reduce’wear and preserve the service life of mechanical components », is it specified. Source:
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There was a Nissan technical paper floating around that showed the relation between timing chain wear and the Winter rating of oil. I don’t have it readily available, but @Cujet succinctly sums it up the findings.
Stellantis seems to be making some bold oil recommendations lately:
Should probably be noted that this is a diesel engine.

The previously recommended lubricants were:
PSA B71 2312 0W-30
PSA B71 2010 0W-20

These are C2 oils with an HTHS of 2.6-3.0cP

This new lubricant recommendation is for a C3 oil, which has an HTHS of 3.5cP or higher.

So, I'm not sold on the idea that it's the Winter rating in play here. I expect it's the HTHS.
Stellantis seems to be making some bold oil recommendations lately:

Yeah, try to convince every contractor, farmer and small trucking company to run 10w30 in their 6.7's.

Which... can be found in almost everything...

I think I've bashed my head against that wall enough.