New Jersey Police are Walking the Beat

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Jan 30, 2007
Clovis, CA
CBS News

It's back to the future for police in many departments across the country as they get around the VERY old-fashioned way while on patrol now -- on foot.

That's just one step they're taking to try to cope with the skyrocketing cost of gas, reports Early Show consumer correspondent Susan Koeppen.

Others include idling the cars they do drive less, not letting officers take cars home, and converting fleets to more fuel-efficient vehicles to the extent their budgets allow.

Still other moves: using scooters and bikes more.

South Plainfield, N.J. Police Officer Frank Fusaro -- a ten-year veteran -- told Koeppen he's never had to walk the beat before -- but he does now.

At least, he points out, that means, "You're getting out and talking to people, coming out and saying, 'Hello.' It's never a bad thing."

Koeppen noted that one small town outside Atlanta is even imposing a $12 surcharge on speeding tickets, to cover the cost of police gas!
This is a great idea. Motorized patrol has led to many officers becoming obese (like many other Americans). Of course all the donuts don't help either.
Great idea. It also helps communities and police feel connected and limit conflicts. Win- win all around. If anything, it points out how lazy we had become.

Yeah what a great idea. When there is a bank robbery across town the cops will get there in 2 hours all sweaty. Imagine the response times!!
Cops now days eat low calorie donuts.I some areas I would guess cops walking the beat could be good for the community.
Works well in small urban hamlets (like mine). Most of your calls are disturbance of the peace and public drunkenness ..stuff like that. We do have a bike patrol in the summer ..but some of the officers are on the upper bulk end of things (not fat, yet..anyway) and look a little odd with the mandatory vest on a light framed bike. 6'2 @ 240-260 just doesn't "fit" with the spandex uniform in full battle regalia.

The ticket guy could probably get by with walking ..but I think he already drives a Cushman type vehicle.

I guess shoe selection could become important ..and an investment in benches would be a good thing.

We had a beat cop detail in a higher drug area at one time. He had a car too, but basically parked it in the highest sale corner and walked around the neighborhood until the crack dealers relocated.
The local PD here has a fleet of Dodge Chargers too; I wonder how they're coping with the increased fuel costs.
IIRC, back when the Police were out on foot on Saturday night, walking into pubs and asking for ID rather than driving around in their paddy wagons with CS at the ready, the town was a more friendly place.

Plus the Cops could pick up 16/17 year old girls at the pub on New Year's Eve.
Plus the Cops could pick up 16/17 year old girls at the pub on New Year's Eve.

That's "street legal" in most US states. You can't discount the benefits of active and intimate law enforcement.
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