Netflix Return to Space movie

Sounds like a great movie. My wife and I watched the movie Where the crawdads sing yesterday. It was also an awesome movie and I highly recommend it.
Sounds like a great movie. My wife and I watched the movie Where the crawdads sing yesterday. It was also an awesome movie and I highly recommend it.
"Crawdads" book sold like hotcakes and had great reviews. I enjoyed it but found it to be too predictible.
I wondered how the movie could possibly capture the splendor of the book; it did far better than I thought it could.

The movie was excellent. Kya for the win!

As far as the Return to Space movie, I think it just might change a lotta people's minds...
Kudos to Musk for pulling off what the US government couldn't, while getting Tesla production into high gear at the same time.

But as far as the movie goes, it felt like a 2-hour commercial for SpaceX. :)