Dec 31, 2017
SE British Columbia, Canada
We just finished viewing the Neowise Comet. It’s now easy to see just after sunset in the Northern hemisphere. We were able to see it at around 10:30 PM MDT. It was at about 330 degrees azimuth. ( about 30 degrees west of North) and from our location about 30 degrees above the horizon. It was hard to see with the naked eye unless you knew exactly where it was. It was easy to see with binoculars. If your smart phone has a night enhancing feature, turn it on and you may get a decent shot. It will be visible until the night of July 22. If you miss it, it will be back in about 6,000 years. Good luck and may you have clear skies and a dark place to view it from. :)
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Very hard to see at first. Wait until 11:00 or so, and with binoculars scan slightly west of true north. It’s fairly low on the horizon and the tail is sloping from upper right to lower left.
This photo was taken with a smart phone set to low light conditions. A better 35 mm camera would give better results. Enjoy.
Drove out to F45 (North County Airport, in Jupiter, FL) to view the comet. Since the comet is low in the sky and to the NW, F45 was the only place I could think of that had no real light pollution and a view to the horizon. Got a stunning view, with the tail visible naked eye. Brought my 10x-50 binoculars and the view was spectacular. Tried to use my iPhone 10xsmax xyzmouse and did not get a thing. I think there must be better photo apps or better phones for comet pics.
Pretty easy to see now. 1st shot was my iPhone 11Pro just held up to my telescope eyepiece. 2nd shot just with the 30-sec night mode.
