Originally Posted By: azsynthetic
Originally Posted By: HardbodyLoyalist
By using multiple additives in succession, you introduce the possibility of a synergistic or antagonistic interaction between them.
And why would I care? I am not looking for minimum engine wear. There are many possibilities of what could happen to my engine and synergistic or antagonistic interaction between additives is not even on my list of things to worry about.
Originally Posted By: HardbodyLoyalist
The only way to conclusively attribute increased fuel economy to a single additive would be to change the oil each time a different additive is used or to run a follow-up experiment using only the additive believed to be responsible for the improved mpg.
Have you read all my posts on this subject? It is not complicated and to calculate fuel economy is just a simple division. Run 10K without the additive and calculate average fuel economy, add the additive then run for another 10K and calculate the average fuel economy again. How hard can that be?
I currently have over 24K miles on my second run with NEO 0W5. Everything is normal and the fuel economy is getting a hair better by thinning the NEO out with Red Line 2WT race oil. I should go over 300K miles on my car sometime next week. If there is something wrong with my engine as we speak then I have no idea what it is since there is no symptom that I can hear, see, or feel. I should have a 35K UOA sometime in May 2014. Stay tuned.
I'm testing mos2 in a new to me vehicle. Ran 3000 miles with new oil and filter. Changed oil and filter with exact same products,added ms2 and am posting each tanks mileage.
Some guys just don't get it. If all other variables remain relatively consistent then its easy to figure out if anything specific helps in the fuel economy department.
Have you ever tried mos2 or cera-tec. Since you do uoa it would be interesting to see if either helped in the wear department. I'm already convinced that mos2 improves fuel consumption.
I'm not interested enough that I'd spend any money on one. Fuel savings is more than enough for me.
Anyways keep on keeping on.