MTX tranny fliuid change interval?

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Mar 29, 2005
Van, B.C.
FWD 97 Escort with 5 speed. Car is not race dor abused.

My last chage (when it was new to us) was at 140kms. FF 2 years and 50,000 kms(204kms) and the tranny still shifts nice and smooth (1st fluid changed had 7 yr old OEM ATF coming out, and wasn't remotly red!). Immediately after the change the shifter was much smoother.

How far can I go on this fluid? or is it time to change it already? I'm running full syn wal mart nn fluid. Not nearly as good as what redline did for my e30 bmw 5 speed, but ok nonetheless. I'm running full syn to prolong syncro life and marginally improve MPG (it's a mental thing, as an Escort with 5 sp already gets great mileage).

thank in advance!
I'd change it yearly, but that's just me. What's 3-4qts of ATF cost?
Every couple years should be fine, or whenever you notice that it's not shifting so well anymore.
I'd use a 10W30 motor oil over ATF, but you do live in the great white north...
Honestly, I'd use a 75W90 GL-4 gear oil but it's much warmer down here.
oem calls for atf in a 97 ford 5 speed?
you put gear oil in a 5 speed with caged bearings and paper syncros it wont last 2 weeks.
Should last around 30k, maybe 40k if your lucky. Don't know the kms. I used RP Synchromax in the Ranger and i'm going to change it at 30k.

Originally posted by sootyoil:
oem calls for atf in a 97 ford 5 speed?
you put gear oil in a 5 speed with caged bearings and paper syncros it wont last 2 weeks.

the dohc has a mazda tranny. mazda workshop manuals spec thicker (gear) oils for warmer temps
bearings have less of a chance of eating into the case with thicker oil.
synchros work fine with GL-4 gear oil. GL-5 is different.
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