Motorcraft at W-M: found a great value

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Jun 9, 2005
I paid $1.94/qt for Motorcraft 5W-20 "synthetic blend" at W-M this morning...****, that seems like possibly the most bang for the littlest buck! Did a budget oil change for my neighbor and he was very pleased; I just may go back to get some for myself.
Yes, everything I've been reading here says Motorcraft 5w20 is great oil. However, I hear the same about Havoline and, at least until tomorrow, you can go to AdvanceAuto (I think that is the store) and get it by the case for under a buck and a quarter a bottle (includes $2 rebate).

A few cents between them does not make much difference really and I'm pretty sure Havoline would do great to 5000 mile OCIs under normal conditions. Since both these oils have had great UOAs, I wonder if the Motorcraft, being a blend, would do better out to maybe 7500 mile intervals?

A full synthetic is good for extend drains of say around 10,000 miles and a Havoline or similar quality dino up to 5,000. Does it make sense to say a very good blend like Motorcraft falls somewhere in-between? Anyone have thoughts on this?
I am definitely going to grab some more in the morning, also maybe a 5gal. jug of Pennzoil ($7.77 here in Massachusetts...I know someone else said it was $7.40 in their area).

Anyone know of any great deals at Auto Zone or CAP? I can go to either one of those as well, but they are a bit of a ride for me and I'd rather not make the trip if I don't have to (I will certainly spend lots of money no matter what...but trying to keep focused on oil).
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