Any personal experience with this product? Mobil’s ads says it is formulated to compensate for the lower operating temperatures hybrid engines encounter as they cycle between ICE and electric modes. Lower operating temps = more fuel and water contamination and this product supposedly has additives to provide additional protection.
The product data sheet is unremarkable and the oil is SP/Dexos 3 licensed.
As a new hybrid owner the I can tell the ICE doesn’t operate that much in city/suburban driving, so it does seem to fill a need. On the other hand, the need also exists for DI/TGDI engines and those with auto start/stop features. So what do we think? Useful product or gimmick that will disappear in a year or two?
The product data sheet is unremarkable and the oil is SP/Dexos 3 licensed.
As a new hybrid owner the I can tell the ICE doesn’t operate that much in city/suburban driving, so it does seem to fill a need. On the other hand, the need also exists for DI/TGDI engines and those with auto start/stop features. So what do we think? Useful product or gimmick that will disappear in a year or two?