Mobil SuperSyn vs, Tri-Synthetic

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Feb 9, 2003
High Up in the Rockies
Can anyone tell me exactly what the difference is between the M1 SS vs. TS? I have about 6-7 gallons of M1 TS that I'm slowly using up but it may take me a couple of years. I was just wondering if the SS is that much better?
The SS is better. But it's not an exceptional difference. You cn look at some UOA and see the difference. SS has the new PAO (SuperSyn). It also has Moly, more boron, more calcium and less magnesium. I would continue to use the TriSyn.

Add 6 0z. of Schaeffer's to it or you can send it to me!
Depends on which tri-syn it is. The last SL versions shipped had the moly and a similar formulation to the SS.

[ March 28, 2003, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: VaderSS ]
Thanks Molakule,
where can I buy the Schaeffer's #132 ?
what does slick 50 do?
Thanks again.

Originally posted by VaderSS:
Depends on which tri-syn it is. The last SL versions shipped had the moly and a similar formulation to the SS.

I just posted a UOA on SL formula TriSynthetic and it performed very well!

Originally posted by Tony M.:
Thanks Molakule,
where can I buy the Schaeffer's #132 ?
what does slick 50 do?
Thanks again.

For Schaeffer products, call the 800 number in the Mills ad at the top of this page.

Slick 50?...mainly it makes money for the new owner, Royal/Dutch Shell. It's just oil with powdered teflon that sometimes does no harm and sometimes clogs oil passages.


Just thickening it up another 1 cSt and adding some extra anti-oxidants to it. You won't get much moly from 132.
Sorry to bring this post back from the dead, but I want to make sure I'm clear on this subject. I have heard many rumors or opinions (could be both)that this "new" Mobil 1 SuperSyn is not fulyl synthetic because of some lawsuit Mobil filed against Castrol (or someother company) regarding the sefanition of synthetic oils. So you are sayign that the Tri-Synthetic is actually a worse oil (by a very small amount) than the new SuperSyn. So there is no reason for me to avoid the SuperSyn and buy left over stocks of Tri-Synthetic.
Thank You
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