Mobil Drive Clean?

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Feb 21, 2003
Hello to All.
To the most oil versed here I ask,Is Mobil DC any good?I have a stock pile and use it in:
2002 Toyota Tundra 4.7 23k
1999 Toyota Camry 3.0 V6 50k
1997 Ford Escort 1.9 45k
1991 Ford Escort 1.9 74k
I use only Castrol GTX in the Camry (except @ARX time).But until my last Diesel truck I started changing oils.
But I am perplexed as both these oil get talked down some here.Ilike to save some $$ since the oil I use run$.99-1.29 on sale.
I am also worried since Toyotas are hard on oil.
i use mobil drive clean and i like it. on UOa's they turned out pretty good. its a good cleaning up oil with alot more calcium i think. well i no longer use drive clean, i wanted some molt so i went to try chevron supreme.

nothing can be said really until u do an oil analysis though. i bought drive clean cause it was cheap and ok UOA results.

i want to do an oil analysis soon as well.

iono this is just my opinion. i change out that oil at 2500 to 3000 miles. as for toyotas im stumped.
I agree that the only way to tell is by an analysis. I think though that the thoughts (probably very subjective) on this board are that the DC is not up to par with the Chevron or GTX. This may not be a fair statement though.
I am no longer a fan of the Drive Clean after my last UOA. Vader SS has a UOA posted that is not so hot either. I put in some Drive Clean Blend before I received the analysis numbers back. We will see how this does in a few weeks when I get the results back.-Joe

Originally posted by novadude:
Please post those DCB results. I am really curious about this oil.

Novadude, I am sampling the oil this weekend and am sending it off in Saturday's mail. I should have the results back in a few weeks, and I will post them in th UOA section. -Joe

Novadude, I am sampling the oil this weekend and am sending it off in Saturday's mail. I should have the results back in a few weeks, and I will post them in th UOA section. -Joe

I assume the DCB is the new Mobil Drive Clean oil that I refer to as "Drive Clean Plus"? Or am I off base here?

If so, I'm anxious to see the results. What weight and drain interval? Or should I just keep my mouth shut and wait for the test results?

Either way, thanks for the analysis

[ May 20, 2003, 11:41 AM: Message edited by: cheeks ]
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