I just noticed that new oil at Walt-Mart today; the bottles are white. I don't know anything about this new oil, but they are most likely saying that the oil has better detergency than the other formulations......although I doubt better than M1.
Vavloine mxLife was the first HM oil that I know of, and it is truly reformulated, not just re-packaged like some of the HM oils jumping ont he marketing niche Valvoline saw.
MaxLife is marketed as useable in both HM and new cars.
In the days where bench testing is the norm , Mobil actually ran two different field tests , one dyno test , an engine seal study and engine oil analysis at 10k miles on the Drive Clean Plus product .
Reads like a self press release......hey that's what it is....
I can't say how well this oil performs or cleans. My experience is that no motor oil alone cleans all that well...or cleans like AutoRx, or even a good oil with LC.
Accoding to mobil.com, Mobil Drive Clean Plus Hign Mileage (10W30) helps "Clean deposits, build-up and sludge". Has anybody had any success with this oil cleaning the deposits inside the engine? As far as I know, it is the only oil that makes this type of claim. Does that mean that it can clean sludge/deposits better than Mobil 1?