I'm curious to see what people think of Mobil 1 lately, with these recent reports that suggest the Fe wear is higher then other oils? As mentioned in other threads, it could be a ZDDP issue. Does anyone think Mobil 1's wear should be better for the price they are charging for the oil? Hopefully the new R will fix this problem. I still think Mobil 1 is a great oil but in certain engines it seems to struggle with Iron.
Then there are some that don't think the 11 vs 6 ppm of Fe for example, is even that significant. I'm debating this issue myself. Obviously, if your a perfectionist it does matter. It would be nice if we each took a page from the UOA section and graphed Miles and Wear for all oils, regardless of drivig conditions to see how they compare.
[ December 17, 2003, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: buster ]
Then there are some that don't think the 11 vs 6 ppm of Fe for example, is even that significant. I'm debating this issue myself. Obviously, if your a perfectionist it does matter. It would be nice if we each took a page from the UOA section and graphed Miles and Wear for all oils, regardless of drivig conditions to see how they compare.
[ December 17, 2003, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: buster ]