Mobil 1 at WalMart

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May 28, 2002
The Wal Mart here in northern Minnesota does that at times also, but the regular price is always $3.39 a quart, $20.34 a case (has been this price for the last two years at least).
By the way they also now carry 0W20 and 0W40.

My wall-mart just got them back in stock after a 4 month drought. Must be 'cause they were changing the bottles or something:


The regular price on Mobil 1 at the local WalMart is $4.77 a quart, so this 5 quart jug saves about a buck a quart. The local WalMart has not had these jugs since early last year, and then it was TriSyn, not SuperSyn.
The local WalMart now has Mobil 1 in 5 quart jugs for $18.88. That works out to $3.78 a quart. Picked up a couple of cases to last me the rest of the year. Just thought I would share that with everyone.
This seems to be a nationwide thing in the US, as I see a lot of guys on the other board's I frequent talking about this. There is no 5 quart jugs of the 0w40 unfortunately.
We just got the jugs here at our Wal*Mart in Edinboro, PA. Only have 5W30 and 10W 30 in the jugs though. 15W50 is available in quart bottles only.


Originally posted by Jakebrake:
The local WalMart now has Mobil 1 in 5 quart jugs for $18.88. That works out to $3.78 a quart. Picked up a couple of cases to last me the rest of the year. Just thought I would share that with everyone.

Our store does not have the 15W50 in 5 quart containers, but the Wal*Mart in Meadville PA does (30 mins away). The Meadville store is also stocking M1 0W20 and M1 0W40 (in 1 quart bottles) in addition to the 5W30, 10W30 and 15W50.

I noticed the Edinboro store is selling about 4 or 5 times as much 5W30 as 10W30 in the 5 quart containers.

Does anyone know if these 5 quart containers are here to stay, or if it is just a 1 time thing? I bought 15 quarts, but if they are going away, I may buy some more.
Not sure if the price will ALWAYS stay the same.
Can tell ya the 5 qt jugs have been out for a few yrs already so I'm thinkin they'll be staying.
Last year the discounted pricing lasted thru late spring/early summer. By July or so the 5 qt jugs were gone. My local Wallymart dropped the price of individual quarts to about $3.80 a few times last summer but that was not consistent policy.

I believe each store has the ability to reduce prices of items to meet or beat local competition pricing. But these price drops are never permanent.

In short, buy all the M1 you'll need when the price is right. There's no telling how long the discounts will last.

In short, buy all the M1 you'll need when the price is right. There's no telling how long the discounts will last.

Or the jugs themselves.....

They seem to have almost disappeared since my last visit!!
only 1 wal mart by my house has always sold single quarts for 3.60 for as long as i can remember. the other wal marts are all 4.77
they now sell 0w40 and 0w20 in single quarts.
I keep forgetting to mention, Walmart in Canada now has 4.4L jugs for the price of the 4L ones. Still no 5L jugs though, these haven't been sold for over a year now.
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