Mobil 1 AFE 0w30 4000 mi OCI Ford Bronco 2.7L Ecoboost (SPEEDiagnostix)

Jun 24, 2024
2024 Ford Bronco Wildtrak with 2.7L ecoboost. Was run on Mobil 1 Advanced Fuel Economy (AFE) 0w-30 and Costo 90 octane this interval. Vehicle had 3951 miles and 2 months since last oil change and 7028 miles/6 months since new. 100C Viscosity right at the minimum for Xw-30 grade but I guess that's OK since wear metals are low. I'm not sure why the calcium and phosphorus are so low, they are about half what I had on the 6500 mi OCI on my other 2.7 Bronco and what was on the VOA for this oil.

This was 70/30 Highway/City driving. There will be a lot more idling for warm ups and winter grade fuel coming up on the next one so I'll be interested to see how the oil holds up even though everything looks pretty good here and I'm mostly just doing this for fun. Maybe I will see if I can run it on Shell V-power 90 octane instead of Costco 90 and see if anything changes even though it won't be scientific because of the seasons changing, among other things.
Do other analysis show the same ratio of P and Z? I can't imagine Zinc being added any other way than through ZDDP, and then I would expect more Phosporous?
That does seem low. I'd ask them to re-run it.

This was a VOA from this year:

Curious what they are using to keep engines clean with such little detergents.
I have seen extremely low additive package numbers before in Speediagnostix UOAs. I wonder if they've got a calibration issue?
I have seen extremely low additive package numbers before in Speediagnostix UOAs. I wonder if they've got a calibration issue?
Could be, I was using them mainly for the fuel dilution gas chromatography? Not sure if it could be something I’m doing. One issue I have in my Broncos is that it’s not so much an oil drain as it is an oil deluge so by the time I get the sample cup in the stream it’s sorta dribbling. Still, the blackstone results were a fair bit higher on the add pack numbers.
the "oil geek" often notes you MUST do two changes when changing oils, one is needed to wash out the prior lube then another for good accurate results!