I have a turbocharged miata with 105,000 miles on it. The oil pressure has been steadily dropping over the years. Some here may remember my trying M1 0-20 in an attempt at more power when the turbo was off. That resulted in a lead reading of 246ppm.
Anyway I am currently using M1 15-50 with good results. However the oil pressure has now dropped to all time lows. It is about 10 at idle and about 35 at cruise. Miata engines are not known for high OP, however that is kinda low. When cold the OP is high, when the engine is warm but not fully warmed up the OP is normal. After a highway drive, the OP is low.
So, I am thinking about M1 20-50 motorcycle oil. Might this be the way to go? Of course here in South Florida cold weather performance is not an issue. But I still do not want molasses in the engine. I need a synthetic for good turbo performance. So, the idea is an oil with the best possible viscosity index.
Suggestion wanted,
Anyway I am currently using M1 15-50 with good results. However the oil pressure has now dropped to all time lows. It is about 10 at idle and about 35 at cruise. Miata engines are not known for high OP, however that is kinda low. When cold the OP is high, when the engine is warm but not fully warmed up the OP is normal. After a highway drive, the OP is low.
So, I am thinking about M1 20-50 motorcycle oil. Might this be the way to go? Of course here in South Florida cold weather performance is not an issue. But I still do not want molasses in the engine. I need a synthetic for good turbo performance. So, the idea is an oil with the best possible viscosity index.
Suggestion wanted,