Base stocks can include PAO, esters, and alkylated naphtalenes and or alkylated benzenes. Remember, EM makes all three full synthetic base stoks. While they also make GRIII, these are mostly in their blends.
Why use a GRPIII with a GRPIV when a PAO has better all around specs than a GRPIII?
Using a GRPIII with a GRPIV requires more esters for solubility of the add pack, which raises cost, so one would NOT be gaining anything by going with a PAO/GRIII stock.
Chemistry/cost wise, it doesn't make sense.
Consider too, the backlash if it were found that Mobil was using GRPIII and calling it synthetic, after the little tussle with Castrol. It would be
as hypocritical as Amsoil's move to use GRPIII in their XL-series.
On the other hand, I do appreciate Amsoil making a demarcation of their fluids. Example, Amsoil XL-series versus their full PAO series.