Micheal Moore on Letterman

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Nov 16, 2002
I want to see the movie to find out what all the "hype" is about. I watched the trailor and he seems to try and make connections that seem rather ridiculous. I'll have to see it before bashing it.

Originally posted by Pablo:
I haven't seen the movie.

From what I do know about Moore I don't like his politics. He claims his current goal is to basically end Bush at one term. Fine, he should be allowed to express his POV.

I can guess from Moore's previous exploits, to call this F 9/11 movie a "documentary" is probably more than a stretch. The one scene I saw on TV showed Bush playing golf....and by implication Bush is a "rich ****-tator" that doesn't give a rat.

So here's what I ask of you as a good citizen, motorguy222, if you doubt the movie. Please find a website or see the movie and do it yourself - (with proper grammar and spelling as I personally find your posts a little difficult to follow) - Make/acquire a list of each movie "scene" and an appropriate rebuttal, with the ACTUAL facts.

Pablo,I only know that Moore is a liberal that hates Bush.Stating ones point of view is one thing,distorting the truth using the 9-11 events is disgusting!From this information I can be highly certain that Moore is up to his old political antics against Bush.The clip on Letterman last night was enough for me to come to my conclusion.I think this film? is nothing more than a politically motivated swipe at Bush.I am not alone in my distrust of Moore.In my original post,I mentioned that Letterman himself questioned Moore more than once regarding whether or not we should believe what the movie shows.I suggest that 'you' do some research on Moore and his antics and about how he won an award at the Cannes Festival in France.I stated my opinion about Moore,if you don't agree,fine.I believe that Moore is using the events of 9-11 to make Bush look bad,can I prove this? Probably not.Pablo,can you prove that he isn't? It just seems wrong to use the events of 9-11 as Moore has ,whether it is a movie a documentary or what have you.Also,considering Moore's blatant hate for Bush,it seems very probable that he would twist anything and everything to make Bush look bad and lose the next election.

The following is from the BBC.

Director Michael Moore's controversial anti-Bush documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 has won the prestigious Palme d'Or best film award at the Cannes festival.
It was the first documentary to win the top prize since Jacques Cousteau's The Silent World in 1956.

The film received a 15-minute standing ovation when it was screened on Monday.

Fahrenheit 9/11 explores the Iraq war and alleges connections between President George W Bush and top Saudi families, including the Bin Ladens.

I want to make sure if I do nothing else for the rest of this year that those who died in Iraq have not died in vain

Michael Moore

Review: Fahrenheit 9/11
The documentary uses Moore's customary satirical style to accuse Mr. Bush of stealing the presidential election in 2000, ignoring terrorism warnings before 11 September 2001 and fuelling fears of more attacks to secure Americans' support for the war in Iraq.

"What have you done? I'm completely overwhelmed by this," Moore said in his acceptance speech.

"I want to make sure if I do nothing else for the rest of this year that those who died in Iraq have not died in vain."

Thanking the jury headed by cult director Quentin Tarantino, he added: "You will ensure that the American people will see this movie...You have put a huge light on this."


Michael Moore's film was originally set to be released in the US through Disney subsidiary Miramax, before Disney blocked it. It is now expected to be released through a third party.

This isn't a movie, it's a long commercial

Michael, Chicago, USA

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The critical reaction to the film has generally been positive, with praise coming from The Washington Post, Time Magazine and British newspapers including the Independent and the Telegraph.

However, others have been more critical of the film. The Hollywood Reporter said Moore was "pioneering a reality film as an election device."

And trade paper Variety described it as "rather less incendiary than expected" and said it was "a blatant cinematic 2004 campaign pamphlet".

Pablo,if you cant see the real political motivation that is behind this movie,then I don't know what to say to you.For anyone to think that Bush or any other president would ignore information that had solid evidence of when and where an attack was going to take place is ridiculous.It seems that this is exactly what Moore wants us to think.As far as my 'grammur an speling',please forgive me,I am sure you have misspelled a word or two before,(maybee its cuz I is from ky.)
after all,none of us are perfect.Here is what I ask you Pablo,as a good citizen,don't try to make me look stupid because I hastily typed a letter and misspelled a word here and there,its not very becoming.Also,I have not been told by anyone else that they could not follow my posts.

[ June 19, 2004, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: motorguy222 ]
The very liberal Moore was on the Tonight Show to promote his new movie about 9-11.Letterman asked Moore in essence "Why should we or can we believe this movie?" Moore said that he had proof,one of which I think was The Washington Post.Letterman asked him more than once if 'we' could believe the movie.Moore said he would "debate in right winger" regarding the information used to make the movie.It is a sad time in our history when people like Moore willgo around and use such an horrible event as 9-11 to bash a president that they dont like.This is especially bad since the information used is in many instances twisted to make Moore look good and to make Bush look bad.It seems odd to me that Moore has more knowledge of what happened before and or during and after the attacks than anyone else does.Could it be because he makes things up?
I haven't seen the movie.

From what I do know about Moore I don't like his politics. He claims his current goal is to basically end Bush at one term. Fine, he should be allowed to express his POV.

I can guess from Moore's previous exploits, to call this F 9/11 movie a "documentary" is probably more than a stretch. The one scene I saw on TV showed Bush playing golf....and by implication Bush is a "rich dictator" that doesn't give a rat.

So here's what I ask of you as a good citizen, motorguy222, if you doubt the movie. Please find a website or see the movie and do it yourself - (with proper grammar and spelling as I personally find your posts a little difficult to follow) - Make/acquire a list of each movie "scene" and an appropriate rebuttal, with the ACTUAL facts.

[ June 20, 2004, 11:16 AM: Message edited by: sbc350gearhead ]
Michael Moore is a classic propagandist, and is obviously adored by the Hollywood left and other elitists.

Viewer beware

There are whole Web sites dedicated to outlining the factual errors in Moore's so called documentaries.

I have no doubt that "Farentheit 9/11", a title that has Ray Bradbury livid, reaches the same high standards as Moore's other fictional documentaries. Even the title of his last major work, "Bowling for Columbine", is a lie. The kids who shot up the school did not go bowling that morning.

I like Moore's style of humor, but sadly, his work is inept and one sided.

Michael Moore has just outlived his usefullness. He did a decent piece on Flint Michigan. His view on the effects of the times was a decent piece. It effectively depicted a sad situation in with a meloncholly style.

...but how do you top great work? You "create" it.

He's someone who didn't know how to deal with his success. He was fine as a champion of the underdog ..when he was a "starving artist" ..but when he got some success under his belt...he became something else.

Now he's part of the "Big Show". He's proven that he can motivate people ..so now he's got to put forth an agenda.

It's a requirement of joining the club.
Michael Moore doesn't make documentries they should be properly labelled "Shlockumentaries" His best efforts still haven't reached the artistic excellence of "Mars Wants Women" or "I Was A Teen Age Werewolf" They are more in the realm of fantasy than having any real content. So he got an Award from the french movie industry, is anyone surprised? These are the same people who think Jerry Lewis is an artistic genius! Moore's prevarications and editing of the facts are already well known. A case in point, he had Charleton Heston changing the colour of his shirt and tie in the middle of a speech to the NRA. Could our boy have spliced two different events into one? He also edited the scene where you could obtain a sporting rifle for making a bank deposit to give the impression that the bank handed out rifles over the counter. Moore is nothing but a leftist LIAR. If it were possible he would also have qualify for the Josef Goebbles award for innovative film making. I suppose he was just born too late, Die Sturmer would have given his films excellent reviews.
Former hero of the left, Christopher Hitchens, about Farenheit 9/11:

Hitchens Trashes Michael Moore 'Cr*p'...

"If Michael Moore had had his way, Slobodan Milosevic would still be the big man in a starved and tyrannical Serbia. Bosnia and Kosovo would have been cleansed and annexed. If Michael Moore had been listened to, Afghanistan would still be under Taliban rule, and Kuwait would have remained part of Iraq. And Iraq itself would still be the personal property of a psychopathic crime family, bargaining covertly with the slave state of North Korea for WMD. You might hope that a retrospective awareness of this kind would induce a little modesty. To the contrary, it is employed to pump air into one of the great sagging blimps of our sorry, mediocre, celeb-rotten culture."


[ June 22, 2004, 07:27 AM: Message edited by: keith ]
As usual, I agree with most of what you guys have already said.

Michael Moore should have stopped with "Roger & Me."

--- Bror Jace
1sttruck-even the mainstream media is calling most of the movie a lie. He is a man consumed by his own bitterness. His interviews on TV tell us that much. I'm not a huge fan of Bush, but even if you hate him you should realize that this is propoganda from the far, far left.

Originally posted by carrera79:
1sttruck-even the mainstream media is calling most of the movie a lie. He is a man consumed by his own bitterness. His interviews on TV tell us that much. I'm not a huge fan of Bush, but even if you hate him you should realize that this is propoganda from the far, far left.

In my opinion,Mr.Moore is using a horrific event to promote his own political agenda.This is disgusting.

I would also like to make a few comments on some of the things mentioned in some of the posts.

"Moore and Army recruiter went to Congress in order to get Congressman to talk to their kids about enlisting in order to support the war, and of course no one took them up on it."

I believe Moore used the above as a tool of deceit.He would not have went to Congress and asked them to do such unless it suited his agenda.He knew what would happen before he went.Whether a Congressman supports the war or not,I don't think they are going to tell people to join the Army etc.This was just a political trick by Moore.From all of the information that I have read,this 'movie' is nothing but the twisting of the facts and the bending of the truth.

"When Bush was informed that the first plane had hit he still decided to visit the class. When he was informed that the second plane had hit he just sat in front of the class with a book in his hand, for over 10 minutes with a confused look, before heading out."

Something that should be considered by all is that none of us can truly say how 'we' would have reacted to the attacks if we were President.When the first plane hit,many thought that it was an accident.I am sure this is what Bush thought.I don't think he wanted to alarm anyone,so he stayed to read to the kids.
When the second plane hit,I believe that everyone knew what was going on.I think that Bush,along with most of the country was in shock.He was as many people were.They were dazed,angry,upset and confused.He is human after all.If he didn't know what to do at first,who could blame him.Know one really knew what was going to happen next.Know one really knew when and if another plane was going to crash.This was something that had never happened to our country before.Know one really knew what to do.The release of the 9-11 Commission tapes prove that people didn't know what to do.Is this because they were stupid etc.? No.Is it because people disregarded terrorist threats? No,it was because we,nor anyone else for that fact,had ever had to deal with such a horrific situation.
There had never been up to that time such an attack on civilians in a country,especially the US.
While every one has the right to speak their opinion,I think it is utterly Un-American and disgusting for someone to do as I believe Moore has done.I believe he has distorted the truth and the facts regarding 9-11 and he has turned the death of thousands into propaganda to suite his own 'political' agenda.This is sick.
per 1sttruck:


What was described as the most ****ing was a video taken by a school teacher, as Bush was planning on visiting an class on the day that 9/11 happened. When Bush was informed that the first plane had hit he still decided to visit the class. When he was informed that the second plane had hit he just sat in front of the class with a book in his hand, for over 10 minutes with a confused look, before heading out.

See my post, with link right above your post. Apparently you didn't read it....
Pablo,I did not read your link before my last post,maybe I should have.I have already made up my mind about Moore,he is in my opinion,sick.In my opinion,he is devoid of human empathy.
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