PQIA has a mass loss rating in its analysis breakdowns. If I am understanding this industry acceptable loss is 15 percent @250c for 1 hour. Sooo, The lower the rating , the better resistance to heat breakdown .
I had never paid much attention to this rating, concentrating on stuff like moly and boron. However with my recent purchase of a Chrysler with the 2.7. An engine that is known to have hot spots has lead me to look into this.
So my question is would an oil with a lower rating be better to run in an effort to avoid cooking the oil and reduce sludge formation.
I had never paid much attention to this rating, concentrating on stuff like moly and boron. However with my recent purchase of a Chrysler with the 2.7. An engine that is known to have hot spots has lead me to look into this.
So my question is would an oil with a lower rating be better to run in an effort to avoid cooking the oil and reduce sludge formation.
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