Manhunt in my area.

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Nov 23, 2011
Lima, Ohio, USA
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Originally Posted By: earlyre
Originally Posted By: L_Sludger
Jeez. Not feeling too safe here in Cincy.

why not?, we're 3 hrs north of you.

Do you think they will stay local?
Hopefully their bodies will turn up tomorrow morning.

A decade or so back we had a few escape in Central Texas during a massive storm (or maybe it was Louisiana). They timed it well and were gone a good bit of time before anyone noticed.

However, They were found a few days later washed downstream from a nearby creek/drainage ditch.
They had not drowned, they bled out from being deeply sliced by the razor wire.

Well, either they will be collected like trash, or they will get stuck in maximum security solitary for the rest of their lives.
Every day will be a slow and methodical torture of the thought of all the things you could be doing, years of wasted time. Drip. Drip. Drip.

Personally if I was a criminal and I had to check out.
I'd rather go out with a bang. Firing squad, hanging, or guillotine. If you can't get the lethal injection right, don't do the lethal injection.
But that's only if I survived hypothetically knocking over a federal reserve building, or a massively huge casino, or something overly dramatic and cool, and totally fictional.

That's probably what they are out doing. Going for one last big bang before it is all over. That's what makes them so dangerous. They don't intend on getting caught alive.

I never could understand it.
I just can't figure out how crime pays better in the long run than real work. So I'll keep my day job, my decent house, my epic beater of a car (2002 Ford Taurus with 201,000 miles), my Incredible wife, and my 2 geriatric dogs.

All things considered. Life is good.

Glad I don't have to waste it like those losers.
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Two in custody, one still on the loose...

The school shooter is behind bars, the one on the loose is a 45 year old petty criminal...
If it housed a triple murderer it had to be a maximum security facility. How in heck did they get out?
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Originally Posted By: LoneRanger
If it housed a triple murderer it had to be a maximum security facility. How in heck did they get out?

News report that I heard said that it wasn't maximum security. I gathered that he was tried as a minor.
Originally Posted By: LoneRanger
If it housed a triple murderer it had to be a maximum security facility. How in heck did they get out?

As long as there are prisons and prisoners, there will be escapes.
We had a manhunt a couple months back. Dude was wanted on numerous warrants (domestic violence type stuff) and he ditched his car when they tried to pull him over, and ran off into the woods.

They called in US Marshalls, State Police, K9, etc and the dude got away.

They found him a week later, and gave him $5075 bail. The extra 75 bucks, of course, was to make positively sure he'd stick around.

It was a known fact what woods he was supposedly corralled in, surrounded by state highway. Folks living on said highway set up lawn chairs and beer coolers for an afternoon of staring at the woods.

A lesson was learned as well: If you're on the run in Maine, stay in the woods until nightfall or shift change, whichever comes first. Then you're scot-free.

Just take the hint, and LEAVE, and lay low.
Originally Posted By: leeharvey418
Originally Posted By: LoneRanger
If it housed a triple murderer it had to be a maximum security facility. How in heck did they get out?

News report that I heard said that it wasn't maximum security. I gathered that he was tried as a minor.

he was 17 @ the time of the crime, but did end up being tried as an adult.

and as to the security level of the Prison:
"The population of the facility is 1,645 male inmates, most of whom are housed under minimum or medium security. A few prisoners are held under close or maximum security. The facility employs roughly 439 staff members of which 284 are classified as security. "
The other Facility that shares a campus with Allen Correctional is the Former Lima Correctional Institution, which Closed in 2004. Interesting note on it from the City's Wikipedia page:

"A longer and stranger history is attached to the facility originally known as the Lima State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Situated on 628 acres (2.54 km2) three miles (5 km) north of downtown Lima, the hospital was constructed between 1908 and 1915. Built at a cost of $2.1 million, it was the largest poured-concrete structure in the country until supplanted by the Pentagon.

For much of its history, Lima State Hospital functioned largely as a warehouse. Patients sometimes staged dramatic protests against the conditions of their confinement, and frequently escaped (more than 300 escapes by 1978). Conditions improved significantly after 1974 as a result of a class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of the patients. In a landmark ruling, US District Judge Nicholas J. Walinski spelled out detailed requirements for assuring each patient's rights to "dignity, privacy and human care." In its last years, the state hospital was used for the filming of a made-for-television movie about the Attica Prison riots in New York.

Starting in 1982, Lima State Hospital became a medium-security prison, the Lima Correctional Institution. The prison closed in 2004, though a smaller prison on the site, the Allen Correctional Institution, remains."

note as to the "Largest poured Concrete Structure" bit, the poured foundations go all the way to the bedrock.

and the Attca movie in question is this one:
filmed here in 1980 for ABC, Looked for a copy of it a few years back, could only find an Italian DVD Release.

huh,just found a US release dvd on amazon, but apparently heavily edited, and a bad video transfer.
you couldn't pay me enough to be a guard @ that prison in the summer months.
couple years back the Governor, as a cost cutting Measure, cut the AC at all the state Prisons.
which is fine.*
but when the ac was installed, they replaced all the windows with ones that DO NOT open.

Just try and imagine the stench produced by 1600 sweaty dudes.

*(I'm as Liberal as they come, but i find it ridculous that the prisons have massive food budgets, and contracts with outside food service companies.
They have plenty of open land, and a bunch of guys with lots of time to kill, lets teach them how to farm, and grow their own food supply. yes,I say bring back the prison farm)
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earlyre, I like the way you think. Agree they should be more self-supporting and less reliant on tax money.
Originally Posted By: earlyre

*(I'm as Liberal as they come, but i find it ridculous that the prisons have massive food budgets, and contracts with outside food service companies.
They have plenty of open land, and a bunch of guys with lots of time to kill, lets teach them how to farm, and grow their own food supply. yes,I say bring back the prison farm)

It's an industry, man. Political cronies also get contracts for long distance phone service, commissary, the vending machines in the vistor section, uniforms and everything else.
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