Met a man with two Fords, one had 284K and the other 154K. His method is to use a 20w-50 oil, in the summer and a 10w-40 in the winter, and like his other two trucks when they reach 200K just go to a STRAIGHT 50w til the motor burns up. He claims his secret is to use a heavy motor oil in any motor over 200k and you can always get 3-400K.
I told him I usually used 30W and have 389K and he said he has a couple buddies that is exactly what they do is use a 30W the trucks whole life and that they usually get 400K before swapping trucks.
I told him I usually used 30W and have 389K and he said he has a couple buddies that is exactly what they do is use a 30W the trucks whole life and that they usually get 400K before swapping trucks.