M1 & mobil DC mix.

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Aug 14, 2003
Buffalo, NY
Would there be any benefits over running straight dino, in mixing 1qt of M1 with 4qts of mobil drive clean (all the same viscosity) in a 5qt sump? Is this roughly the same thing as running 5qts of Mobil DC blend (at a slightly lower cost)? I apologize for continuing the dead horse beating on this "mixing" topic, but I was curious to get other people's thoughts on this procedure. Thanks!

Based on what's been posted, it looks like you would get a higher percentage of group IV and group V oil by doing your own mixing.
I would not mix the oils. The additive package for each product is chosen for that product. There is no way to know if the add pack for the DriveClean is the same as for DriveClean-Blend, and probably not the same as for Mobil 1. Buy what you need, and don't get your hopes up for any homebrew.

There have been posts with mixed oils no problem. Run through a couple oil changes using the same blend as we must be scientific on this web site then do an anaylsis and share it with us so we can learn.

Originally posted by Steve S:
There have been posts with mixed oils no problem. Run through a couple oil changes using the same blend as we must be scientific on this web site then do an anaylsis and share it with us so we can learn.

I agree, mixing for the average person might not be wise, especially if you overextend the interval beyond it's capabilities, but for someone on here to do it with UOAs for guidance, we could learn a lot. Just don't push it too far on the first interval.
Originally posted by Patman:

mixing for the average person might not be wise, especially if you overextend the interval beyond it's capabilities, but for someone on here to do it with UOAs for guidance, we could learn a lot. Just don't push it too far on the first interval.

Steve S & Patman, I totally agree with you. What I'm trying to find out is, will a mobil drive clean + mobil-1 mixture (same viscosity mix) have better "cleaning" ability and easier cold temperature pumping than just straight mobil drive clean? Or will mixing the two make the mobil DC even worse than it would be right out of the bottle? I asked mobil the same thing & will post their response when/if I get one. Thanks.
DCO sux! I used it for the cheap price in mom's V6 Audi, it burned off like water. If you want a blend get Penzoil HMV. Get a cheap synth if that's what you want. Rotella-$3.25, M1 by-the-jug, $3.75. Do not mix. DCO sux.
Here's my reply from: Mobil Product Information [[email protected]]

No this is not the same, Drive Clean Blend has more additives than the conventional therefor it will protect better. You can mix our synthetic oil with conventional
but most of the conventional oil can dilute the additives of the synthetic.

Oh well, I guess I got the answer I expected
. Atleast they got back to me w/in a day
Well, curiosity got the best of me- which I can only contribute to the "illness" contracted from this board
. I'm running 3qts of mobil drive clean 10w-30 & 2qts of M1 10w-30 in my 2002 isuzu rodeo 3.2L. Once I've run thru 3 batches of this exact mixture, I'll send in a UOA to see how it looks. One thing I noticed between the two oils is the difference in color. The MDC is almost as clear as cooking oil
, while the M1 is a bit darker right out of the bottle. Must be a MDC marketing thing?

IF your UOA looks good then go with it. If you weren't going to do a UOA I would strongly advise you NOT to degrade the capabilities of the M1 by mixing in the DC. Maybe we will all be surprised but I don't have a high opinion of that oil.
Oh comon, next thing your going to tell me is not to tip off my zoloft with 3 martini's ! LOL,
I always mix a qt. of synthetic with 3.5 qts. of dino, better ratio then the synthetic blends offer & your tweaking the quality of oil by adding the synthetic, also I add Mobil 1 0w30 which keeps my lifters quiet, better then MMO.....

I will agree I would rather see you mix in a little syn with your dino then run straight dino (there I said it). In this case, I am just NOT a fan of Mobil DC (I said that before didn't I?).
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