M1 costs more at Wally World now

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Jun 9, 2003
***** HEADS UP ****

I just got back from Wally world and M1 is now 22.42 in a 5 q jug. Those who predicted the price jump were right. I think I'll go to BJ's wholesale to get a M1 six pack for 23.99.
S-T still costs $4.17.
The other night I noticed the 5 qt. M1 10w30 was still $18.84, but the other grades of M1 were like $23.

I was going to switch to M1 when I change the oil in my Formula in a couple of weeks. I guess I should've bought some.
I just heard Mobil 1 was going up from the Allpar board.

Let's hope it is one of Walmart stunts so that they can lower it back down in a month or two and announce how they are "Rolling back prices" - yea right. Remember how they did the Shell synthetic Rotella last winter. Same thing, I hope.

Anyway, if this increase holds that will make it easy for me to make the switch that I was already considering over to Shell synth. Rotella T.

Let's hope it is one of Walmart stunts so that they can lower it back down in a month or two and announce how they are "Rolling back prices" - yea right

That's probably what they are doing. I go to Walmart every week and buy a lot of the same food stuff there for the same price every week too, but then I see the price go up to a higher level for 2 or 3 weeks, then they lower back to where it was all along, and put up a "rollback" sign. Very sneaky. They think we wouldn't notice.
Although at the same time, even at the higher price levels, it's still cheaper than the grocery store (some things I pay $2 for at Walmart are $3.50 at the grocery store for instance)
Even at $23 a jug, your getting a full PAO/ester synthetic oil for $4.60qt. Thats tough to beat. GC would be a great buy too if it hangs around.
I noticed the $22 tag on the 5qt jugs. Interestingly, the quart containers were still priced at $3.54.

If the quarts go up in price to the $4.40 - 4.60 some of you mentioned I'll simply switch to Havoline Snythetic for $3.25 at Advance Auto.

[ September 13, 2003, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: Forkman ]
I too have noticed Target is cheaper than Wal-mart from time to time on oil.

Every once in a while they have Havoline Dino 20w50 for $.99. I pick up several quarts for my oil-burning beater pickup.

One time they had Pennzoil Synthetic for like $3.50 a quart as well.
In the last month it's jumped from $52 for 5 litres to $63.

Coincided with the release of the 5W-50 supersyn.
Pricing of M1 SS making Visco 5000 look better every day. Still I may trial the 5W50 SS this summer in the old turbo. And for interest the Motul Synergie 6100 5W40 PAO in there now has been consumed at a great rate. Now thats the first syn after a 3-bottle RX cleaning regime but I didn't use dino for rinse after the 3rd bottle which maybe is a problem. Ahh you live and learn!
If his wife didn't realize the error until she got home, there's nothing they could do, it's not as if they were gonna drive back from OK to TN all over again. I'm sure if she realized the error at the point of sale, she would've corrected them.

Please lets not turn this into an ethics lesson though, what's done is done so there is no point arguing about it here.

Originally posted by buster:
Even at $23 a jug, your getting a full PAO/ester synthetic oil for $4.60qt. Thats tough to beat. GC would be a great buy too if it hangs around.

Here in Troy, MI it's $22.46 for a 5 qt jug, that's $4.50/qt

I can get Amsoil ASL 5W-30 shipped to me for $5/qt (accounting for shipping) plus i can mark it off as a business expense and get commission.
To keep this threads integretiy going, I removed any and all personal comments that was not about the topic. I know that some may feel it not right, but this isn't what we have the board for. Their are many different cercimstances that might be involved and to base any personal opinions about anyone or their situation, you must also consider the whole story and not just a small shared part. Sorry if this offends anyone, but I for one do not want personal attacks on anyone be it right or wrong, just not needed on here.

Originally posted by Schmoe:
--snip-- grabbed 5, 5 quart jugs. She thought that they may even go up higher. See? I am even getting my wife trained in oil and oil prices. My oil shrine is growing.

I'm down to about 68 or 69 quarts of oil :-]

and 38-40 quarts of fuel conditioner :-]

and 1/2 gal of thickener and 1-1.5 gal of gear lube. : - (
) - :
thank you. This restores faith in this BB. I am still curious as to what exactly he meant, but.....oh well....life goes on.
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