M1 0W40 FS SP 2011 328I N52 6100 MILES. Not great...

Jun 26, 2019
Not thrilled with this.

Sample 1 was the second fill of QS Euro 5W-40. Earlier was QS 5w-30.
Sample 2 is M1 0W-40 FS SP.

This is the worst looking report I have gotten for this engine. I don't think "cleaning" is happening here. Usage patterns were slightly more severe in previous fills, as driving needs have changed.

Previous tests were with QSFS 5w-30 AND Castrol 0W-40.



QS FS Non Euro 5W-30:

BL is VOA of that oil, both samples 1 and 2 are of QSFS w30 Non euro. Some titanium left over from Castrol 0w-40, which was used exclusively for about 90k miles prior.

And Castrol 0w-40 Belgian old formula:

I hope I do not get in trouble for this, but there is a section of this unusual Forum that spells everything out about UOA's.
I will give you my Cliff Notes Version and say that you used 1 oil and now you are using another oil, so you need a few UOA's with Mobil 1.

My thought is that you have used different oil's, Quaker State, Castrol, your UOA had some left-over oil that was not 100% Mobil 1

I do see the Iron Number of 21 in the 2nd UOA versus the 12 in the 1st UOA, some Members will chime in.
The experts on this Forum will chime in soon.
Biggest fuel percentage on this interval could've been partly to blame. It does look like a spike this sample but I'd not throw up your arms yet. Keep at it & see what the next sample looks like. These one offs & head scratcher's can & do happen. I don't think it's terrible by any means but I can understand the confusion. Just keep at it for now & the next UOA can paint a better picture.
How did your driving needs changed?
Less rpm and throttle. Used to have to make a 120 mile RT 2x a week, with 90-95 mph cruise, but lots of near redline passing each time. Easy to see 250-260 oil temp consistently at these times. Usually over 3k rpm for most if the trip. The QSFS 5w30 reports were during this time.

Not much of that going on now, my wife (her car) certainly has a heavy foot, but not the same.
Less rpm and throttle. Used to have to make a 120 mile RT 2x a week, with 90-95 mph cruise, but lots of near redline passing each time. Easy to see 250-260 oil temp consistently at these times. Usually over 3k rpm for most if the trip. The QSFS 5w30 reports were during this time.

Not much of that going on now, my wife (her car) certainly has a heavy foot, but not the same.
So, city driving? I mean I have Castrol 0W40 using on track and daily, 5K, and iron was 10 I think. I would say, short trips would be harder on oil.
No, where we live and spend time there is no such thing as strictly city or stop and go, or very short trips. Almost always 20-30 min drive at least to get anywhere. I remember your report and comments, this is why this is a head scratcher for me.
As it was explained to me.......one oil test cannot really show a trend. You need to do at least two consecutive tests with the same oil before you can make any real observations.

I am sure someone on here can say this in a better way.
Iron is up 40% on a per-mile-basis compared to the previous run. But when you combine all wear metals, this run is only 28% higher on a per-mile-basis. I know it's hard, but reserve judgement until you get at least one more UOA with the same oil. It appears as if the new driver and new driving pattern has increased the amount of fuel dilution which may be raising wear metals a little. Keep it at or below 5k and try to resist the urge to change oil brands/types too often. It just makes interpreting results more complicated.
Here's some more data:


Looking at average miles driven between each UOA, the downward trend correlates with increased iron and aluminum. If iron and aluminum continue to climb under the same driving conditions on the next UOA, maybe there's a problem. However, if the trend pointed out in the spreadsheet above continues, there is likely no problem and it's just a result of driving less. Driving less typically also means shorter trips and slower average speed, both of which increase fuel dilution, which in turn will increase wear rates.
Thanks for the chart, and the input. I am inclined to disagree though. These N52 engines generally do not show this kind of wear rate, no matter what. And the driving has not gone from lots of highway to exclusively short tripping.

There was fuel in the first two OCI, (BS reports) the FP was 395 on Castrol 0w40 Edge (Belgian), there has been some fuel always.
Thanks for the chart, and the input. I am inclined to disagree though. These N52 engines generally do not show this kind of wear rate, no matter what. And the driving has not gone from lots of highway to exclusively short tripping.

There was fuel in the first two OCI, (BS reports) the FP was 395 on Castrol 0w40 Edge (Belgian), there has been some fuel always.
Still, fewer miles per day generally correlates with shorter trips. It doesn't have to be "exclusively short tripping." Any increase in short trips will have an effect, even if there are still some highway trips. So are you saying your trips are just as long, but less frequent? Is that what accounts for the drop in mileage?

Here is an updated chart with the 5/1/23 OC added. It actually accentuates the drop in mileage that started sometime after 5/1/23.

Less frequent long trips, but day-to-day use is the same, except for the aforementioned 2x per week use.
The lowest mileage per day in 2023 was due to a couple of long vacations where the car sat at home unused.
Less frequent long trips, but day-to-day use is the same, except for the aforementioned 2x per week use.
The lowest mileage per day in 2023 was due to a couple of long vacations where the car sat at home unused.
If you don't think it's related to reduced mileage, do you think there's something mechanical going on?
I expected the oxidation to be less also. From a voa of this oil it starts at 7. Splitting hairs to be sure , but with the results in most parameters unimpressive , I’m wondering about the oil. Just not what I expected.
Nerdily spending some time thinking more about this. If this was a cheap house brand or bulk oil I would expect it to look like this.