What is the point of going long on the OCI? Oil is still cheap as far as maintenance is concerned. I get it if it’s a lease vehicle. Follow mfg. if you own it, and plan on keeping it for 300k, it’s just not worth it especially with DI, turbo charged, and thin viscosity. You can say it’s a waste, but used oil is recycled and used for lots of things. 2 are cleaned and resold, and the second it’s turned into fuel oil, for ships, and home heating. I change both of my DI vehicles back to every 3k oci. I prefer the engines to always have the viscosity that it’s supposed to be vs diluted with fuel. The cost of doing UOA, I can change it for cheaper. Cost of OCI. $28 M1 0/40 and $10 for filter. Also doing OCI, the car is getting a vehicle inspection and be able to spot unseen issues. Both vehicles see 3k miles every 90 days or so.