Not only that, but Magnatec is a Group III/PAO blend.quote:
Originally posted by Patman:
Hehe, Dr.T is almost running a 5w30 in his BMW!
Visc at 100 st. C: 14,25 mm2 /s
Visc at 40 st. C: 90,2 mm2 /s
Visc index: 163
TBN: 11,6 mgKOH/g
Pour Point: - 45 st. C
Flash Point: 200 st. C
Density at 15 st. C: 852,0 kg/m3
That's correct. Kind of like the regular Castrol Syntec in the US.quote:
Originally posted by G-Man II:
Not only that, but Magnatec is a Group III/PAO blend.
Well try to say it to 3MPquote:
Originally posted by Patman:
Hehe, Dr.T is almost running a 5w30 in his BMW!
But my point is, all you need is for this oil to thin a tiny little bit, or get some fuel dilution, and it will turn into 5w30quote:
That's funny Patman, but I won't be running a 5-30.
TXT Softec doesn't come in 5w40, just 5w30. And TXT Softec is Group III, too.quote:
Originally posted by Dr. T:
Maybe the stuff is the TXT Softec 5-40? I need to go back and check the bottle...
5w40 TXT is something new!quote:
Originally posted by Dr. T:
Yeah, that's what I thought too until I checked out the Castrol UK website: