Hi Guys, I am new to your forum have been lurking for three weeks or so. I am from downunder in New Zealand and have a 2003 Santa Fe 2.7 V6 with 6000 kilometres since new. I have just changed over to full synthetic oil Pennzoil 10w/30 and now at cold start up I can hear what I am sure is lifters tapping, not bad mind you but it never did this before changing the oil. It even taps slightly after starting the engine warm maybe after sitting for an hour or two.I never filled the new filter with oil before screwing it on so could it be that, not bleeding out or do you think it is simply the oil? I am not sure what oil it had as it was the factory fill but the engine was sure quiet before. After I run the engine for 10 seconds the noise is gone completely and runs very quiet after that. My choice of oil was made mainly on the cost, Mobil 1 is $70.00 for 4 litres and $19.95 for another litre and because I need nearly 5 litres for an oil change that comes to $90.00 as opposed to Pennzoil which I can buy direct from the distributor $48.60 for 5 litres roughly half price.....I enjoy this forum a lot and look forward to your opinions.....rugbykiwi.