hi all...ive been a member of this site now for over a year and although ive just re-registered because i lost my password for my old login, i think ive been here long enough to suggest the following.
we should all donate a couple of dollars each, to either someone or an account and nominate one person to use said monies to buy a get well cars from us all and present it to him. i think it would be nice is we could use this forum to electronically sign a virtual card and then have it printed out and made up real nice and given to him.
I just think that this would be the best way to show him how much we appreciate this site and what he's done-at NO cost to us all!!
Just a thought though.
Christopher Jefferson
we should all donate a couple of dollars each, to either someone or an account and nominate one person to use said monies to buy a get well cars from us all and present it to him. i think it would be nice is we could use this forum to electronically sign a virtual card and then have it printed out and made up real nice and given to him.
I just think that this would be the best way to show him how much we appreciate this site and what he's done-at NO cost to us all!!
Just a thought though.
Christopher Jefferson