I am a longtime Kendall user, SAE 40 for jetboats and drag cars. I am aware that Conoco/Phillips recently bought Kendall and the multi grade formulas have evidently been changed, no longer green in color and with new labels to boot. Yesterday I bought some SAE 40, which now has a new label but is still the old green color, the other observation is that Kendall monogrades still come from Costa Mesa, Ca., while the multi's are now out of Houston, Tx. My question, is todays SAE 40 the same formula that they built their reputation on, or has it become a re-labeled garden variety Conoco/Phillips oil. I've been scoping out other alternatives such as Delo SAE 40, Chev Supreme and Pennz LL. I know there isn't much interest in monogrades in here, but any thoughts would be appriciated.